The Day



Mystic — The Denison Pequotsepo­s Nature Center announced last week that ET “Extra Terrific” the great horned owl had died at age 37.

ET was well known at the center, as his caretaker, Doris Mager, would bring ET and other birds of prey to the nature center each summer as she traveled the country in her van educating people about birds of prey.

Mager had cared for ET for 36 years after ET was illegally taken from her nest as a baby, bonded with humans and could not be released back into the wild.

The center said Mager and ET “visited thousands of schools, camps, and groups, inspiring people to care for our Earth and its inhabitant­s.”

Last year the 94-year-old Mager, who had developed a close friendship with the center’s executive director emeritus, Maggie Jones, brought ET to the nature center so the owl could live out the rest of her life here.

The center’s animal curator and licensed rehabilita­tor, Lori Edwards cared for ET and built a new enclosure at her home to house the owl.

“In a beautiful setting in the woods with a steady stream of possums, birds, and other wildlife passing by to keep her entertaine­d, ET ended her life as close to being back in the wild as possible. After 37 years as an animal ambassador, ET passed away peacefully due to old age. We are forever grateful to have spent time with her, inspiring people of all ages to be environmen­tal stewards,” the nature center stated in a Facebook post.

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