The Day

Tooth and Nail


When I watched today’s deal, North-South were a regular partnershi­p: a dentist and a manicurist we call “Tooth and Nail” because that’s how they argue. I think when they sit down to play, they touch gloves.

Our two combatants bid to four spades. West led a heart, and East took two hearts and shifted to a low diamond. Nail, the declarer, won with the queen and next took the three top trumps.

When West discarded, Nail tried to run the clubs, but East ruffed the third club and led the king of diamonds, and Nail lost two diamonds to West. Then came the inevitable argument: Nail: “Why bid two spades? Bid 2NT, and I’ll raise to 3NT. It’s cold.”

Tooth: “When you bid spades and diamonds, my duty was to show my tolerance for your first suit.”

Nail: “Baloney. You had solid clubs — a source of tricks for notrump — and you needed to protect your king of hearts from the opening lead.”

Tooth: “Maybe, but you didn’t have to jump to four spades on what was sure to be a 4-3 fit. Bid three clubs or three hearts instead, and I’ll bid 3NT.”

In my opinion, North should have bid 2NT at his third turn. To bid two spades with weak spades and strong clubs was doubtful. But South could have made four spades. After she takes the queen of diamonds, she can lead a low trump, maintainin­g control. If East wins and leads the king of diamonds, declarer takes the ace, draws trumps and runs the clubs for 10 tricks.

And that’s the whole tooth and nothing but.

North dealer

Both sides vulnerable

 ??  ??

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