The Day

Trump, Biden trade barbs on masks

Former VP said all Americans should wear masks, citing health experts’ prediction­s


Wilmington, Del. — President Donald Trump on Thursday attacked Joe Biden for calling on governors to mandate that all Americans wear masks for the next three months, accusing the Democratic presidenti­al candidate of politicizi­ng an issue Trump himself has used for political gain in recent months.

Trump claimed Biden has been wrong about the coronaviru­s pandemic at every turn, “ignoring the scientific evidence and putting left-wing politics before facts and evidence.” Trump went on to falsely say that Biden was advocating for the president to use executive power to institute a nationwide mask mandate and that Biden was in favor of “locking all Americans in their basements for months on end.”

“To Joe, I would say stop playing politics with the virus,” Trump said at the White House press briefing.

Biden did not call for an executive order, but did at an earlier campaign event call for the institutio­n of “a mask mandate nationwide, starting immediatel­y.” Biden clarified, however, that it should be left up to the governors to make mask-wearing mandatory. He said nothing about keeping Americans indoors, but has argued that economic reopenings in states have been rushed and without proper guidance from the federal government to keep Americans safe.

Trump spent the early months of the pandemic refusing to wear a mask during public appearance­s, ridiculing reporters who wore them, and retweeting messages making fun of Biden for wearing a mask and implying that he looks weak. Trump first wore a mask in public about a month ago, during a visit to a military hospital, and has since expressed support for them at times.

On Thursday, he said it’s patriotic for Americans to wear masks, but added, “maybe they’re great, and maybe they’re just good. Maybe they’re not so good.”

Biden, at his earlier event, said all Americans should wear masks, citing health experts’ prediction­s that it could save 40,000 lives from the coronaviru­s over the next three months. The Democratic presidenti­al candidate also responded to those who push back against such mandates.

“This is America. Be a patriot. Protect your fellow citizens. Step up, do the right thing.”

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