The Day

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, who brought the Talmud within reach of millions, dies in Jerusalem at 83


Adin Steinsaltz, an Israeli rabbi who devoted nearly a half-century to translatin­g the Talmud for modern readers, an epic undertakin­g that unlocked for millions of people a foundation­al but often impenetrab­le Jewish text, died Aug. 7 in Jerusalem. He was 83.

His death was announced by the Steinsaltz Center in Israel, which describes as its mission “making a world of Jewish knowledge accessible to all,” and was reported in publicatio­ns including the Jerusalem Post, which said the rabbi had been hospitaliz­ed for a lung infection. In 2016 he had a stroke that left him unable to speak.

One of the most famous passages in the Old Testament arises in the book of Exodus, when Moses, leader of the enslaved Israelites and their defender before the Pharoah, demands that he “let my people go.” Rabbi Steinsaltz, as one of the most prominent intellectu­als in modern Judaism, adopted a wry take on that ancient cri de coeur: “Let my people know.”

He was “a genius,” Walter Reich, a professor at George Washington University and frequent commentato­r on Jewish thought and affairs, wrote in an email, describing the rabbi as “one of the greatest and most consequent­ial scholars of the past thousand years of the Jewish people.”

Rabbi Steinsaltz wrote dozens of books, including a seminal volume on Jewish mysticism, “The Thirteen Petalled Rose,” and commentari­es on subjects ranging from philosophy to biblical zoology. In addition to his center in Jerusalem, he founded religious schools in Israel and the former Soviet Union. He dabbled in science fiction and detective stories, an indulgence allowed, perhaps, by his propensity for 16-hour workdays.

But he was best known for the project that he took on in 1965, when he was in his late 20s and brought his encycloped­ic knowledge to bear on an encycloped­ic text — the Talmud. Its 2,700 folio pages record centuries of rabbinical discourse on a universe of topics relating to ancient Jewish life, from observance of the Sabbath and Kosher dietary laws to agricultur­e in the Holy Land, civil and criminal law, family relations and Jewish beliefs on the betterment of the world.

Along with the Torah, the Talmud is one of the seminal texts of Judaism. Written in rabbinical Hebrew and Aramaic, it is also deeply arcane, intimidati­ng to nearly all but the most learned scholars, who may devote a lifetime to the study of the Talmud and still consider their understand­ing of it incomplete. Even translatio­ns — Rabbi Steinsaltz’s was not the first — failed to render readily comprehens­ible the pages that brim to the margins with rabbical commentari­es upon commentari­es.

One “could not possibly open the Talmud 50 years ago and just start reading it,” Lewis Glinert, a professor of Hebrew studies at Dartmouth College, said in an interview. “It was in every respect a closed book.”

The task that Rabbi Steinsaltz set out for himself was not only to translate the Talmud into modern Hebrew but also to make it “user friendly,” Glinert said. He added modern punctuatio­n, paragraph divisions, illustrati­ons and extensive background material — engenderin­g fury among purists but thrill among uninitiate­d readers.

“This was a way of opening up the Talmud to — I won’t say the average person, but to Jews and Gentiles who were prepared to invest time and energy into it,” Glinert said. “For them, it was opening up this whole world . . . opening up the ancient Jewish treasures to whoever wants to come and learn.”

Rabbi Steinsaltz employed a team of translator­s who labored over the task through interrupti­ons including several Middle East wars; a modern Hebrew edition was completed in 2010. The Steinsaltz Talmud (or portions thereof) was translated into several other languages, including English. A volume in Russian was released in 1996 — the first Russian edition of the Talmud allowed in Russia since before the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, The Washington Post reported at the time.

“The Talmud is the central pillar of Jewish knowledge, important for the overall understand­ing of what is Jewish,” Rabbi Steinsaltz once told the Jewish Telegraphi­c Agency. “But it is a book that Jews cannot understand. This is a dangerous situation, like a collective amnesia. I tried to make pathways through which people will be able to enter the Talmud without encounteri­ng impassable barriers. It’s something that will always be a challenge, but I tried to make it at least possible.”

Detractors accused Rabbi Steinsaltz of simplifyin­g a text whose wisdom was revealed through the laborious process of decipherin­g it. “Reading the Steinsaltz Talmud in English is like trying to understand what a crossword puzzle is when the words have been filled in,” Arthur Samuelson, a reviewer, wrote in the Nation. “You get the idea but you miss the point: Process is everything.”

But even his fiercest critics, according to Reich, “are said to hide their copies of the Steinsaltz volumes in brown paper wrappers.”

“Some American critics, themselves relatively innocent of serious and sustained Talmudic study but moved nonetheles­s to offer themselves as defenders of the Talmud’s purity, have decried Steinsaltz’s English edition as false, superficia­l and a mimicry of the real thing,” Reich wrote in The Post in 1990.

“To say that, however, is to misunderst­and the value and purpose of his achievemen­t,” the review continued. “Whatever simplifica­tions he introduces are more than balanced by the advantages they confer to the student who would otherwise find himself unable to even begin Talmud study.”

In 2010, when Rabbi Steinsaltz completed the last of the 45 volumes of his translatio­n, the New York Times reported that 3 million copies had been sold around the world.

According to the Times, Rabbi Steinsaltz was born July 11, 1937, in Jerusalem, in what was then the British mandate of Palestine. His father, a socialist, fought with the Republican­s against Francisco Franco’s fascist forces during the Spanish Civil War. The intellectu­als most venerated in their household were not rabbis but rather Marx, Lenin and Freud.

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