The Day

Deception on defense

Monday, August 31, 2020


Some deceptive defensive plays give declarer a chance to go wrong. For instance, declarer (South) has K-J-4 in dummy, A-9-3-2 in his hand. He leads to the jack, winning, and takes the king. If West had Q-106, he must play the queen, the card he is known to hold, on the king to give declarer a losing option.

Other defensive maneuvers almost compel declarer to fail. Against today’s 3NT, West leads the ten of hearts: queen, king. South ducks twice and wins the third heart. Dummy discards a diamond. If the diamond finesse wins, South can hope for four diamonds, four clubs and a spade. But at Trick Four, he lets the nine of spades ride, hoping (perhaps questionab­ly) for three spades, four clubs, a diamond and a heart.


Say East takes the queen and leads a diamond. South must finesse, and he makes his game. But East wins with the ACE of spades and leads a diamond.

Now South will need a crystal ball to succeed. He will take the ace and repeat the spade finesse, and East will win and cash his king of diamonds for down one.


You hold: ♠ 653 ♥ 10 9 8 7 4 ♦ 8 4 ♣ 9 6 3. Your partner opens 1NT. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: I hope you don’t hold hands like this often. Despite your weakness, to pass will usually be wrong. Bid two hearts to sign off (or, if your partnershi­p uses “transfer” responses, bid two diamonds and pass partner’s two hearts). At notrump, your hand will probably be worthless. At hearts, it will furnish a trick or two.

South dealer Both sides vulnerable

Opening lead — ♥ 10

 ??  ??

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