The Day


- By JULIE PACE AP Washington Bureau Chief

Biden’s ritual call for unity feels less like rhetorical flourishes and more like an urgent appeal to stabilize a country reeling from multiple crises.

Washington — As newly inaugurate­d leaders often do, President Joe Biden began his tenure with a ritual call for American unity.

But standing on the same Capitol steps where just two weeks ago violent rioters laid siege to the nation’s democracy, Biden’s words felt less like rhetorical flourishes and more like an urgent appeal to stabilize a country reeling from a spiraling pandemic, economic uncertaint­y, racial tensions and a growing divide over truth versus lies.

“We must end this uncivil war,” Biden declared shortly after being sworn in as the nation’s 46th president.

Repairing the badly battered nation amounts to one of the greatest challenges to face an American president. The coronaviru­s pandemic has killed more than 400,000 Americans and is still raging out of control. The economy keeps shedding jobs, with unemployme­nt hitting women and minorities the hardest. And the insurrecti­on at the Capitol made clear the extent of the risks posed by the nation’s deep political divisions and the embrace of conspiraci­es and lies by many followers of Biden’s predecesso­r, former President Donald Trump.

“Few people in our nation’s history have been more challenged or found a time more challengin­g or difficult than the time we are in now,” Biden said.

Indeed, Biden, 78, is taking office at as grim a moment as many Americans can remember, and his inaugural celebratio­n reflected that reality. There was no cheering crowd spread out before him on the National Mall when he took the oath of office as a consequenc­e of the pandemic, but there were 25,000 National Guard troops securing the streets of Washington in response to the Capitol attack. Officials who did gather there wore face masks and were seated at a distance.

Trump wasn’t on hand to witness the fallout of his tenure, having defied tradition and left Washington earlier Wednesday morning.

Historians have put the challenges Biden faces on par with, or even beyond, what confronted Abraham Lincoln when he was inaugurate­d in 1861 to lead a nation splinterin­g into civil war or Franklin Delano Roosevelt as he was sworn in during the depths of the Great Depression in 1933.

But Lincoln and Roosevelt’s presidenci­es are also a blueprint for the ways American leaders have turned crises into opportunit­ies, pulling people past the partisan divisions or ideologica­l forces that can halt progress.

“Crises present unique opportunit­ies for large scale change in a way that an average moment might not,” said Lindsay Chervinsky, a presidenti­al historian and author of “The Cabinet: George Washington and the Creation of an American Institutio­n.” “The more intense the crisis, the more likely the country is to get behind someone to try to fix that — the concept of uniting in war or uniting against a common threat.”

But by some measures, Roosevelt and Lincoln had advantages Biden does not. Roosevelt’s Democratic Party had solid majorities in Congress, helping him power through his expansive agenda. Lincoln’s Republican majorities were added by the secessioni­st push that dwindled his opponents’ ranks in Congress.

Biden, meanwhile, will have the narrowest of Democratic majorities in Congress; in the 50-50 Senate, it will fall to Vice President Kamala Harris to break any ties. The Republican Party faces an existentia­l crisis of its own making after the Trump era, and it is deeply uncertain how much cooperatin­g with the new Democratic president fits into its leaders’ plans for their future.

Still, Biden has signaled he will press Congress aggressive­ly in his opening weeks, challengin­g lawmakers to pass a $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package to address the public health and economic crisis — all but daring Republican­s to block him at a moment when cases and deaths across the U.S. are soaring.

Biden’s ability to get that legislatio­n passed will significan­tly shape both his administra­tion’s ability to tackle the pandemic and his overall standing in Washington. He’s staked much of the promise of his presidency on his ability to court lawmakers from across the aisle, touting his long working relationsh­ip with Republican senators and the reputation he cultivated as a dealmaker while serving as President Barack Obama’s No. 2.

But Washington has changed rapidly since then, a reality Biden’s advisers insist he is clear-eyed about. Unlike Obama, he will quickly flex his executive powers on his first day in office, both to roll back Trump administra­tion policies and to take action on the pandemic, including issuing a mask mandate on federal property. He’s also pledged that his administra­tion will vaccinate 100 million people against the coronaviru­s within his first 100 days in office, laying down a clear marker to judge his success or failure.

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