The Day

Daily Bridge Club

Friday, January 29, 2021


Under his breath

Cy the Cynic has acquired the habit of muttering to himself while he is declarer.

“Why do you do that?” I asked. “To get an expert opinion on how I should play,” Cy said resolutely.

At today’s four spades, Cy won the first club in dummy, mumbled for a while and led a diamond: six, ten, queen. Cy won the next club and cashed the ace of diamonds. He next took the A-K of trumps. When East discarded, the Cynic lost a trump plus a club and a heart for down one and emitted an oath under his breath.

“Whoever you’re consulting is ineffectiv­e,” I said.


Cy must go after dummy’s diamonds. He wins the first club with the ace, takes the ace of trumps and leads the A-10 of diamonds. West wins and leads another club, and Cy wins in dummy and leads the jack of diamonds, pitching his club loser.

West wins and leads a club, and Cy ruffs, leads a trump to dummy and discards his heart loser on the high nine of diamonds. He is almost sure to succeed however the cards lie.


You hold: ♠ A J8765 ♥ A4 ♦ A 10 ♣ A 5 3. Your partner opens one heart, you respond one spade and he rebids two hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s rebid promises six or more hearts, and you have good controls and a possible source of tricks in spades. Bid six hearts. You could mark time with a bid of three clubs to pursue a grand slam, but “bashing” — bidding what you think you can make — is still a viable approach to slam bidding. South dealer N-S vulnerable

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