The Day

A great example of Trumpist mentality


Kudos to David Collins and the subject of his column, Jonathan Walsh of Salem who, in his own words, revealed his and his fellow Trumpsters’ utter lack of self-awareness and critical thinking that leaves the rest of the nation (about 60% at last count) shaking our heads, “Salem tries to shut down Trump-inspired sign shrine,” (Feb. 23).

Walsh contends that the town is trying to censor him through insisting he comply with local ordinances. Apparently, rules do not apply to him; a hallmark of the Trump ethos.

He insists Donald Trump won reelection as president, displaying his powers of magical thinking amid overwhelmi­ng evidence to the contrary, an aversion-to-facts worldview and another toxic Trumpist

malady. His citing the size of Trump’s crowds while ignoring the polls that showed 58% of Americans disapprove­d of the job Trump was doing at election time underscore­s his denial of reality.

Further, he rails against the “propaganda” of COVID-19, the “unconstitu­tional” interrupti­ons in his life, claiming rights to non-compliance were granted to him “by God.”

Finally, contending that his public anti-abortion advocacy is “standing up for what’s good and righteous in the world,” he fails to recognize that others have their own ideas of good and righteous, like respecting your neighbors and following the rules.

Russ Kramer


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