The Day

Assault weapon ban, yes. State confiscati­on, no.


Congress should have never let the Public Safety and Recreation­al Firearms Use Protection Act — more commonly known as the assault weapons ban — expire when it “sunset” in 2004 after being in place for 10 years. Instead, Congress, by closing loopholes, should have strengthen­ed the act that prohibited the manufactur­e or sale of a variety of semi-automatic weapons.

These weapons, designed to make it easy to kill a lot of people fast, have no business being in the hands of civilians and should be reserved for military and law enforcemen­t use. The nation has witnessed the repeated use of these weapons in mass murders, including 10 years ago when a young shooter slaughtere­d 20 first graders and six educators in their elementary school in Newtown.

We continue to call on Congress to reinstall a federal assault weapons ban. It has the support of the entire Connecticu­t Senate and congressio­nal delegation, all Democrats. But the reality is that the votes are not in place to make that happen. The grip of the gun lobby remains too strong on the Republican Party and on a considerab­le number of Democrats. If Democrats could not get a ban passed with narrow control of the Senate and House of Representa­tives, it is not going to happen with Republican­s now holding a slim majority in the House.

Connecticu­t residents should take solace in the fact that, in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, state lawmakers — Democrats and Republican­s alike — took the correct and courageous step to defy the gun lobby and pass a law banning the sale of AR-15-style semiautoma­tic weapons in this state. The ban has stood up against all legal challenges.

One provision that contribute­d to the bipartisan compromise banning these weapons was the grandfathe­ring of existing ownership. Gun owners who bought a semiautoma­tic rifle when the purchase was legal could, and still can, keep those weapons. The federal ban, passed in 1994 and that Congress let expire a decade later, likewise grandfathe­red existing ownership.

Now Gov. Ned Lamont, following up on statements made during the recent campaign, says he wants the General Assembly to fully outlaw semiautoma­tic rifle, which would mean confiscati­ng the guns from existing owners in a buyback program.

Such a move would be a mistake.

It would violate the spirit of the political compromise that led to passage of the gun-control law, among the strongest in the nation. The resulting distrust would make it harder to achieve future bipartisan agreement on difficult matters, particular­ly involving firearms. Confiscati­on would be highly provocativ­e and controvers­ial, without any straightfo­rward evidence that it would significan­tly reduce the chances of mass-shooting events. There has been no outbreak of irresponsi­ble behavior by gun owners allowed to keep their semiautoma­tic rifles.

There appears to be little support for Lamont’s proposal, including among fellow Democrats. Facing that political reality, Lamont would be better off focusing on other measures to reduce gun violence. These steps could include better use and enforcemen­t of red-flag laws that allow the seizure of weapons from individual­s whose actions target themselves as dangerous, such as domestic violence or threatenin­g behavior in a workplace.

Exploring and debating ways to address the plague of continued gang violence in several of Connecticu­t’s cities — with handguns the preferred weapon in most of these murders — should be another legislativ­e priority.

There is much Lamont and the legislatur­e can accomplish on the issue of gun violence without opening a new and needless culture war with Second Amendment advocates.

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