The Day

As tax agency improves, IRS staffers say they’re happier

Long plagued by staff shortages and budget cuts, an infusion of cash has improved morale


Lorie McCann, an IRS program analyst and Chicago union leader, begins orientatio­n classes for new tax agency employees with an observatio­n about their co-workers.

“Everybody is going to be so excited to see you when you report to your post of duty,” she says. “Don’t think people are being strange.”

The IRS has long faced staffing shortages — and shortages of pretty much everything else — after more than a decade of budget cuts. Now flush with an infusion of new cash, the agency is making up for lost time.

It’s hired more than 5,000 workers and posted jobs for 5,300 more. It’s reopened walk-in tax clinics that shuttered as staffers quit over the years. Workers rejoiced in Cincinnati when the agency replaced almost two-dozen copy machines that had been down for almost three years. No longer must agents queue up in front of the machines to print and scan taxpayer notices.

For the first time in years, employees say, it’s not so bad to work for the tax man.

“We do see light at the end of the tunnel,” said Shannon Ellis, who answers taxpayer help phone lines in Kansas City, Mo., and is the president of the local National Treasury Employees Union chapter. “Many of these employees, they want to do the job. They’re there for a reason.”

The Inflation Reduction Act, one of President Joe Biden’s chief legislativ­e victories, gave the IRS $80 billion over 10 years to stiffen tax enforcemen­t on high-income earners and major corporatio­ns, and improve the agency’s customer service and technology systems. The IRS has already spent nearly $850 million of that money in preparatio­n for the 2023 tax season.

In the near-term, it’s made the tax agency a better place to work, employees and union officials told The Washington Post. The IRS’s performanc­e has also improved so far this tax season. It processed 2 percent more returns by March 10 than it had at the same point in 2022, and issued 8.5 percent more refunds, two key indicators, experts say, of the agency’s improvemen­t.

For taxpayers, that means better IRS phone service and timely refunds, tax pros say. The IRS has also mostly conquered its backlog of paper filings, and is opening its mail on time, a prospect that was unheard of during the 2022 tax season.

As of March 25, the IRS had opened all of its incoming taxpayer mail, according to agency data obtained through the Freedom of Informatio­n Act. At the same point in 2022, it had more than 314,000 unopened letters from taxpayers.

“The thing that is most encouragin­g about this moment, is that we’re now going to give this agency that has service in its name, the ability to serve the American people in the way that their employees have always wanted,” Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said in a recent interview.

Staffers are excited to see new employees, Ellis said, but fresh faces need in-depth training on the tax code, a process that can take weeks, if not months for some roles. Federal watchdog groups have for years criticized the IRS’s paltry training programs.

“Although this is a historic investment, and there are a lot of things that could be changed right away, there are just some — I’m not going to say intractabl­e problems, but longer-term things that just are going to take some time,” said Chad Hooper, executive director of the Profession­al Managers Associatio­n, which represents IRS supervisor­y staff.

The agency’s growth has addressed problems that IRS officials and labor leaders have identified for years. Understaff­ing and poor digital tax-filing tools led to a massive filing backlog during the worst of the pandemic, and new hiring has allowed the agency to manage the paperwork. Outdated technology forces legions of IRS workers to enter taxpayer data by hand into computer systems; the agency earlier in March obtained new programs that can scan paper tax returns and input data automatica­lly.

“It’s horrible — and it’s the best its ever been,” Hooper said. “We’re seeing the agency work on things that are important but feel really minor, and, sad to say, like a ceiling that was leaking for a million years, or a carpet that’s disgusting.”

In Cincinnati, that meant finally replacing copy machines that had been out of service since before the pandemic, said Regina Parker, the local union president. The wait to use the machines grew so long, she said, that employees came into the office on their off days to scan and copy their paperwork.

The IRS in February updated its software to allow taxpayers to respond to mailed notices by uploading documents to its website. That immediatel­y appeared to cut down on the amount of phone calls IRS customer service representa­tives received, said Beth Willwerth, who answers those calls and runs the local NTEU chapter in North Andover, Mass.

“Any time that employees see that there’s another method that taxpayers can contact us, or doing it through the website, that’s huge,” she said.

But most of the funding directed to the IRS won’t kick in for years, and is meant to address problems that have accumulate­d over decades. The tax service runs 60 separate case-management systems, many of which cannot communicat­e with one another. Its written notices to taxpayers, often decried as stilted and complicate­d, are hemmed in by the IRS’s generation­s-old coding protocols, the oldest of which dates to the 1960s. Even if the agency wanted to simplify the millions of letters it sends out each year, doing so would be a herculean technologi­cal undertakin­g.

The desktop computers are slow, workers frequently complain. Laptops fail. Many teleworkin­g employees must be issued IRS printers to do their jobs at home because of strict laws on taxpayer data protection.

“We do see light at the end of the tunnel. Many of these employees, they want to do the job. They’re there for a reason.” SHANNON ELLIS, WHO ANSWERS TAXPAYER HELP PHONE LINES IN KANSAS CITY, MO., AND IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE LOCAL NATIONAL TREASURY EMPLOYEES UNION CHAPTER

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