The Day

Daily Bridge Club

Lead of the year?


Jenni Carmichael and Greg Humphreys won the Mixed Pairs at the ACBL Spring NABC. In today’s deal, Humphreys as West found the best opening lead of the entire 10-day tournament.

South’s jump to 2NT was bold. According to Carmichael, Humphreys judged from his partner’s silence in the auction that she lacked a good suit with which to overcall. (EastWest’s style was quite aggressive in competitio­n.) Humphreys suspected that dummy would have at least one four-card major suit; hence he judged to lead a diamond even though North had bid that suit.


Assuming you choose a diamond lead, the normal card is the three. But Humphreys feared that leading low might pickle an honor in the East hand; hence he came forth with … the jack of diamonds!

You can see what that lead did to declarer. He might have salvaged seven or even eight tricks, for instance by ducking a heart and setting up a possible end play. But declarer played differentl­y and went down two, minus 200.

Only the lead of the jack of diamonds lets the defense beat 2NT.


You hold: ♠ Q 10 8 6 ♥ A K 8 3 ♦ A 10 5 ♣ 10 5. The dealer, at your right, opens one diamond. You double, and your partner responds two clubs. The player at your right passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: You gambled a bit and have lost. You hoped your partner would respond in a major suit, but the oaf bid clubs instead. Cut your losses. Pass and apologize when you put down the dummy. If you act again, you will promise more strength and may make things worse.

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