The Denver Post

Mike Rosen’s criticism of Donald Trump’s campaign

Re: “Donald ducks the details,” July 26 Mike Rosen column.


Mike Rosen, with whom I hardly ever agree, makes absolutely perfect sense in dissecting Donald Trump’s ill-fated attempt to use this country as a sounding brass for his mammoth ego.

As an avid, albeit pragmatic, leftwinger, I’ve been looking forward to the GOP debates, just to watch Trump interrupti­ng and bloviating for a national audience. I’m also looking forward to his splitting the ticket, costing the GOP the election, whether he stays in the race or not.

That said, Rosen was mistaken on one key political metric. The right has long trumpeted the fact that President George H.W. Bush lost re-election due to Ross Perot’s splitting the conservati­ve ticket. Exit polls during that election showed that Perot took votes equally from both Bush and Bill Clinton. Had he not run, Clinton would have beaten Bush by approximat­ely the same margin.

Pete Lister, Greeley

Mike Rosen handily criticizes Donald Trump’s recent political charade as a non-Republican agenda put forth by a non-Republican Republican. Citing Trump’s past donations to the Clinton Foundation, Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton, Rosen pretty much aligns himself with conspiracy theorists in the last two paragraphs of his article. He insinuates that Trump is a “closet” Democrat with the intention of becoming an independen­t GOP saboteur, thus enabling a 2016 presidenti­al victory for Democrats. His last two words, “Stay tuned,” mean there’s more to come. Perhaps President Obama has his hand in this fiasco as well.

Bruce Huey, Fort Morgan

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