The Denver Post

Tulo quick to make impact with Toronto

- BENJAMIN HOCHMAN Denver Post Columnist

The hottest prospect in the 2032 baseball draft has a preordaine­d sweet swing, though his batting stance is awkward, likely because he can’t yet fully stand and he wears diapers.

Taz Tulowitzki spent much of this summer in the Rockies’ clubhouse, walloping plastic balls off a tee. His father, Troy, would scrupulous­ly watch and often offer encouragin­g words. As this story was passed around by baseball people, Troy’s passion intensifie­d, to the point that when I heard the story, Troy supposedly said: “Look at you — other 1-year-olds are asleep, and you’re getting better.”

The anecdote, of course, captures the maniacal dedication that made Tulo Tulo. A burning yearning. I can’t recall meeting an athlete who wanted to win more. Alas, he did only occasional­ly, playing for baseball’s afterthoug­ht,

the Rockies.

As such, I hope all of Denver is as happy for Tulo as I am, when I share this astounding stat: In the games he’s started for the Toronto Blue Jays, they’ve never lost. They’re 11-0.

“I’ve never seen Tulo play at any level but high,” Toronto teammate LaTroy Hawkins texted. “It goes unnoticed when you aren’t winning games.”

Baseball isn’t basketball. Even the best player at his position cannot carry a team. Three Mondays ago, it dawned on me as I sat in the Wrigley Field press box: Is Tulo the modern version of Ernie Banks, the big-star shortstop who never wins big? A few hours later, Tulo was traded.

I can’t help but hope Tulo makes the playoffs, because there are few players to whom it would mean more. When he was traded to Toronto, the Blue Jays were .500, evensteven, with a 50-50 record. They lost the next day, while the trades went through, and they’ve lost just once since. The Jays are coming off a statement sweep at Yankee Stadium, where the home team mustered one run all weekend. Toronto entered Monday only 1½ games back of the Yankees for first place in the AL East. Incredible.

”All of a sudden, I’ve become very interested in Toronto Blue Jays scores,” Colorado manager Walt Weiss said Monday. “It’s been fun to watch. (With the trade), we went through a range of emotions. Now, when I turn on the TV and see him playing, I’m thrilled. I’m thrilled for him. The fact that he’s back in the pennant race, and he’s had the impact he’s had already with that club, I’m thrilled. …

“I know how he’s wired, and I know how much he’s loving being in a race right now.”

Like Weiss, many Denverites suddenly have made the Blue Jays their second-favorite team. At the popular hat store Lids, in the Cherry Creek mall, two workers gushed about how often they’re selling Blue Jays lids. At Fanzz Sports at the FlatIron Crossing mall, “We’ve been getting asked more often about Blue Jays shirts and hats,” store manager Nate Hill said. “A lot of fans support Tulo and feel the Rockies didn’t do their part in giving him a winning team. So they are sad he is gone, but a lot of fans say good for him.”

Yes, Tulo’s injuries were frustratin­g, and his robot approach to the game may have been off-putting for some, but here’s a guy who proudly put on your pinstripes, who made the Rockies cool (for a little while), who approached the game the way you’d want your favorite player to do so. In an era when we find out too much about off-field activities, it was refreshing to know that Tulo was the class dork when it came to homework assignment­s — getting better as a hitter, year-round.

These days in baseball, SS can mean shortstop or sample size. Fans are becoming acutely aware that a player’s play in a small sample size isn’t indelibly implicativ­e of his abilities. OK. So with that caveat, let’s look at Toronto’s Tulo. Taz’s dad has hit three home runs in 12 games (he pinch hit in the game he didn’t start), while hitting 12 in 87 games for the Rockies. And his batting average is uncharacte­ristically low at .244, but he’s walking at a higher clip, and his Toronto on-base percentage (.358) is actually higher than it was in Colorado (.348).

So check your Blue Jays box scores and wear those flat-brimmed Toronto hats proudly, Colorado. It’s an homage to baseball and to the epitome of a baseball player.

And, who knows, maybe Tulowitzki’s Jays will make it to the World Series, perhaps against the St. Louis Cardinals and Tulo’s old friend and ours, Matt Holliday.

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 ??  ?? Troy Tulowitzki, turning a double play Sunday at Yankees Stadium, still has a big fan in Walt Weiss. “I’m thrilled for him,” the Rockies manager says. Seth Wenig, The Associated Press
Troy Tulowitzki, turning a double play Sunday at Yankees Stadium, still has a big fan in Walt Weiss. “I’m thrilled for him,” the Rockies manager says. Seth Wenig, The Associated Press

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