The Denver Post



los angeles» Bumble Bee Foods agreed to pay $6 million to settle criminal charges Wednesday in the death of a worker who was cooked in an oven with tons of tuna.

District Attorney Jackie Lacey said the settlement is the largest payout in a California workplace-violation death.

Jose Melena, 62, died three years ago in a 270-degree oven at the seafood company’s Santa Fe Springs, Calif., plant after a co-worker mistakenly believed Melena was in the bathroom and filled a pressure cooker with 6 tons of canned tuna.

“This is the worst circumstan­ces of death I have ever, ever witnessed,” said Deputy District Attorney Hoon Chun, who noted he had tried more than 40 murder cases over two decades. “I think any person would prefer to be — if they had to die some way — would prefer to be shot or stabbed than to be slowly cooked in an oven. “

Chief peacekeepe­r fired by U.N.

B united nations» The U.N. chief has fired the head of the peacekeepi­ng mission in the Central African Republic over the force’s handling of dozens of misconduct allegation­s, including rape and killing.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday said he has accepted the resignatio­n of Babacar Gaye of Senegal.

He has called a special session of the U.N. Security Council for Thursday over the issue of sexual abuse allegation­s.

Lawyer: Chelsea Manning faces soliary B Convicted national

wichita» security leaker Chelsea Manning could be placed in solitary confinemen­t indefinite­ly for allegedly violating prison rules by having a copy of Vanity Fair with Caitlyn Jenner on the cover and an expired tube of toothpaste, among other things, her lawyer said Wednesday.

The former intelligen­ce analyst, formerly known as Bradley Manning, was convicted in 2013 of espionage and other offenses for sending more than 700,000 classified documents while working in Iraq. She is serving a 35year sentence at Fort Leavenwort­h.

Assassin’s gravestone back in Texas B A gravestone for

dallas» President John F. Kennedy’s assassin has been returned to Texas after an ownership dispute.

Dallas resident David Card, 75, has the granite marker after a settlement with Historic Auto Attraction­s of Roscoe, Ill. The case over Lee Harvey Oswald’s gravestone was settled out of court last month, KTVT-TV reported.

The gravestone is believed to have been the original marker for his grave.

Oswald’s tombstone was stolen from Fort Worth’s Rose Hill Cemetery by some teenagers and later recovered.

Card claims Oswald’s mother put the stone in the crawl space of her Fort Worth home because she feared it would be stolen from the cemetery. A distant relative apparently sold the marker to the museum in 2011.

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