The Denver Post

Teach kids how to use OTC drugs

Don’t wait until college to educate them on self-medicating and the dangers involved

- By Leanne Italie

new york» There’s so much for parents to talk about with teens heading off to college for the first time.

There’s the safe-sex talk, the nutrition talk, the get-enoughslee­p talk, the partying talk and the study-hard talk. In between all the talking and the packing and the planning, teaching kids how to safely self-medicate with over-the-counter preparatio­ns for colds, headaches and sore muscles might not be on the parental radar.

But it should be. And it should land there well before move-in day.

According to national surveys of parents and sixth-graders, tweens got a failing grade for knowledge about the proper use of OTC medicines. Only about half knew such medicines can be dangerous when improperly used or mixed with other drugs.

On the parent side, about the same number said they didn’t believe their kids could effectivel­y understand the drug facts on labels, let alone whether their offspring are abusing or in danger of abusing such medication­s recreation­ally.

Perhaps more surprising: The vast majority of parents said they were not sure whether OTC-related issues were taught in their children’s schools.

“Based on many high school health curricula, students entering college have had very little classroom instructio­n regarding OTC medication­s,” said Joy Greene, assistant dean of experienti­al education and a pharmacy professor at High Point University in High Point, N.C.

“Most of what college students know about OTC products is what they see advertised in the media and what they learn from other people,” she said.

Greene and others urge parents to make sure their kids have the confidence and know the importance of consulting a pharmacist when trying to make OTC decisions they can’t sort out for themselves while in the moment, standing alone or with friends in a drug store aisle staring at the crowded shelves.

Chester Goad in Crossville, Tenn., has a 14-year-old son who plays several sports and has already started the OTC drug talk.

“We’ve had to have a lot of discussion­s regarding pain, swelling, etc. through the years,” he said. “I think parents are worried sometimes about bringing unnecessar­y attention to OTC medication­s, so they avoid discussing them, or they avoid them altogether whether for philosophi­cal or other reasons.”

In Goad’s case, “we have always discussed medication­s, why we might take a particular medication, the different types of medication­s, why we purchase one kind or another, because we want our son to know ingesting medication­s is not something to be taken lightly.”

The OTC talk should also cover definition­s, the importance of noting potential side effects, how to follow directions on packaging and erring on the side of a lower dose and why.

Modeling how to shop for OTC medication­s and how to take them when kids are younger is important.

“Advertisem­ents seem to encourage taking an OTC for lots of conditions these days, so it’s important for kids to understand every medication is serious and could potentiall­y be harmful even if it’s over the counter,” said Goad, an administra­tor at Tennessee Technologi­cal University.

Internet-crazed teens may decide on Dr. Google once they’ve left home instead of calling a parent or seeking out real-life help from a pharmacist, doctor or nurse. Knowing credible informatio­n from the not-so-much online may be difficult, though kids as young as 11 take OTC preparatio­ns without adult supervisio­n for minor ailments, according to the FDA.

One quick stop online is the U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion’s Medicines in My Home program. It includes videos with easy to understand details on acetaminop­hen, for example, along with tips on reading drug labels.

Scholastic Inc. has partnered with the American Associatio­n of Poison Control Centers in providing free educationa­l materials online to teachers who want to cover OTC literacy in classrooms of fifth- and sixth-graders, including role playing activities for students.

Some advocates urge parents to delve into the dangers of abuse and addiction during the OTC drug talk.

“Having suffered the loss of my two younger brothers to drugs and alcohol, I can tell you from personal experience that no drug is spared for that additional high — even over-the-counter drugs, which we as a society mistakenly believe are ‘safe,’ ” said Jon Sundt in San Diego.

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