The Denver Post

Conservati­ves’ newest molehill

- By Dana Milbank A longer version of this column is at

Come now the Denali deniers. President Obama’s conservati­ve critics have long said there is no depth to which he will not sink in his zeal to trash the Constituti­on. Now, apparently, they also think there is no height to which he will not climb in that same effort.

Obama went to the very top this week — to 20,320 feet, to be exact — and stripped North America’s highest peak of its official name of the last century, Mount McKinley, returning it to what Alaskans had called it for centuries: Denali.

Obama’s opponents immediatel­y condemned him for acting like a dictator, taking unconstitu­tional action, oversteppi­ng his authority, and engaging in a partisan stunt.

“I hope my colleagues will join with me in stopping this constituti­onal overreach,” proclaimed Ohio Rep. Bob Gibbs, vowing to work with the House natural resources committee to reverse Obama. “President Obama has decided to ignore an Act of Congress in unilateral­ly renaming Mount McKinley in order to promote his job-killing war on energy. This political stunt is insulting to all Ohioans.” Former Rep. Ralph Regula, also from McKinley’s home state of Ohio, asserted to The Columbus Dispatch that Obama “thinks he is a dictator and he can change the law.” Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio saw it as “yet another example of the president going around Congress.” House Speaker John Boehner, also from Ohio, pronounced himself “deeply disappoint­ed.”

Obama is perfectly within his authority to make the change. If his opponents are really outraged, they can overrule him in Congress or they can elect a president who will change the name back. The problem with both of these is that Alaska, run by Republican­s, want the name to be Denali and have been trying to make the change for decades. The Alaska delegation­s — Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan and Rep. Don Young, Republican­s all — heralded the move (even as Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan, who represents McKinley’s hometown, joined the opposition).

There’s also the small matter of conservati­ves claiming to support local control, and devolution of power; in this case, they’re demanding the federal government to continue to overrule a state’s wishes. A more ideologica­lly consistent solution would be for the Ohioans to rename something of their own after McKinley.

More likely, the mountain will be added to other molehills of Obama overreach: Obamacare, the stimulus, Dodd-Frank, the IRS, immigratio­n, executive appointmen­ts and on and on. The common objection to all of these is less about what was done than who did it.

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