The Denver Post

Republican candidates flirt with lawbreaker­s

- By Dana Milbank Follow Dana Milbank on Twitter: @Milbank.

Ammon Bundy and the other armed militants occupying a federal facility at a wildlife refuge in Oregon have a beef with the administra­tion — the Teddy Roosevelt administra­tion.

“It has been provided for us to be able to come together and unite in making a hard stand against this overreach, this taking of the people’s land and resources,” proclaimed Bundy. “If we do not make a hard stand, then we will be in a position where we won’t be able to as a people.”

But this “taking of the people’s land,” the “overreach” that moved these rebels to take up arms, occurred 108 years ago, when Roosevelt — a Republican president and a great conservati­onist — establishe­d the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, one of 51 such refuges he set aside, “as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds.”

So why have the militants chosen this moment to “unwind all these unconstitu­tional land transactio­ns,” as Bundy put it? Perhaps it’s because they think the political atmosphere now condones such anti-government activity.

You can see why they might think so. Several of the Republican presidenti­al candidates have been encouragin­g lawbreakin­g, winking at it or simply looking the other way.

A few months ago, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and others rushed to defend Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk jailed for refusing to obey federal law. A federal judge had held her in contempt of court for refusing to recognize same-sex marriages, and the Supreme Court specifical­ly declined to give Davis relief. But Cruz identified her jailing as “judicial tyranny” and said Davis was operating “under God’s authority.”

Donald Trump has put at the center of his campaign an extraconst­itutional ban on admitting Muslims into the country. Marco Rubio said that if the law conflicts with the Gospel, “God’s rules always win,” and that “we are called to ignore” the government’s authority. Huckabee and Rick Santorum signed a pledge not to “respect an unjust law that directly conflicts with higher law.”

And, of course, there was the 2014 standoff in which Cliven Bundy, who refused to pay grazing fees for his use of federal land, got support or sympathy from Cruz, Trump, Huckabee, Rand Paul and Ben Carson. Cruz denounced the federal government for “using the jackboot of authoritar­ianism.”

The rancher lost much of his support when he delivered a racist rant. But not all of it: Paul earlier this year had a private meeting with the elder Bundy that the rancher said lasted 45 minutes. As my colleagues Katie Zezima and David Weigel noted, Paul and Cruz have both campaigned to transfer federal lands in the West to private ownership.

When Ammon Bundy and others took over the (unoccupied) compound at the wildlife preserve over the weekend, the Republican presidenti­al candidates reacted mostly with silence. A scan of tweets from Republican lawmakers also found nary a peep about the armed takeover of the federal facility. An admirable exception (and one whose low standing proves the rule) was John Kasich, whose strategist John Weaver suggested “a good federal compound for Bundy and his gang: a U.S. penitentia­ry.”

Finally, in a radio interview Monday, Marco Rubio said the militants “cannot be lawless” — though he added that he agrees with their complaints about federal lands. And Cruz, responding to a question, said he hoped Bundy’s gang would “stand down peaceably” because “we don’t have a constituti­onal right to use force and violence.”

That was mild criticism — Bundy had said he has no intention of using violence — but better than the usual wink.

As it happens, Cruz also released a TV ad Monday protesting inadequate enforcemen­t of the border. “The rule of law,” he says in the ad, “wasn’t meant to be broken.” That’s a fine sentiment. But to live under the rule of law we must follow all laws — not just those we like.

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