The Denver Post


“Avoidance” is the technique of preventing a dangerous defender from gaining the lead. By “dangerous,” Imean that a defender has winners to cash or can lead through

- By Frank Stewart

a holding that declarer must protect.

Today’sWest leads the ten of spades against 3NT, and East puts up the queen sinceWest may have held K- 10- 9- 8- x. Declarer takes his king and believesWe­st has the ace. If East gets in, a spade return through the J- 5 may beat the contract.

So South must develop nine tricks while keeping East from winning a trick. A club finesse, which might lose to East, is unattracti­ve, but South can look to the hearts. He leads a diamond to dummy at Trick Two and returns a heart to his ten.

If the finesse won, South would have a spade, three hearts, four diamonds and a club. WhenWest’s queen wins, South still has nine winners, and his jack of spades is safe from attack.

The problem would be harder at matchpoint­s. At IMPs or Chicago scoring, South should assure the contract.

Daily Question: You hold: & 7 4 h K J 5 3 ( KQ6$ A 10 6 2. You open one club, your partner responds one spade, you bid 1NT and he tries two hearts. The opponents pass. What do you say?

Answer: Partner’s two hearts is not forcing or especially encouragin­g. He may have aweak hand with five spades and four hearts. Pass. You could scrape up a raise to three hearts with an ideal hand such as K 4, K 9 5 3, A 3 2, A 10 6 2, but your actual hand is average for your bidding.

by Dana Summers

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