The Denver Post

Keep your eyes on the road


Re: “Trooper killed on I-25,” Nov. 26 news story.

Every time I remember Trooper Cody Donahue, which is daily, I become ill with grief, and I didn’t even know him. One more excellent officer tragically gone, leaving a young family and a profession that needed him.

Yes, slowing down and moving over a lane are vital, but let me share what my father taught me when I learned to drive. Your car will go where your eyes go — it’s not possible to gawk Trooper Cody at an accident or emergency Donahue was vehicles and keep killed by a semi your vehicle safely away. while standing

I challenge you to go next to his car on to a deserted area and Interstate 25. attempt to drive a

Colorado State Patrol straight line while you look off to the side. Don’t be a lookie-loo, keep your eyes on your driving, and thank God it’s not you in trouble or needing help. Pamela Lovato, Aurora

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