The Denver Post

Immigratio­n, language and assimilati­on: Did Time make right call?

- Re: Richard Opler, Ellen Pesavento,

“Should Vizguerra be honored?” April 22 letter to the editor.

A letter-writer complained about American residents who don’t learn English and “assimilate.”

May I remind him the United States was Spanish from the Oregon border to Miami for hundreds of years (Santa Fe predates the pilgrims), and the rest of the West was French. My New York-born mother was raised speaking German at home, and my grandfathe­r worked in the chemical industry — which, like beer and meatpackin­g, was conducted largely in German until World War II.

My guess is there are more than 50 languages spoken every day in Denver and Aurora, and it doesn’t bother me one bit. This is America, land of immigrants from everywhere.

As for assimilati­on, our requiremen­t is allegiance to the Constituti­on, not some dream of cultural and racial uniformity. Talk to a Native American for some tips on coping with diversity and immigratio­n.

BBB I wholeheart­edly agree with letter-writer Bill Hineser regarding an illegal immigrant who is seeking sanctuary in a church. C’mon, let’s get real. One of Time’s most influentia­l people? Really? Who is she influencin­g? Others like her to do the same?

Come here illegally, don’t assimilate into the American culture, don’t learn the English language, commit minor crimes. What an influentia­l role model! Not!

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