The Denver Post


“Did you ever play golf ?” I asked Unlucky Louie. I know he finds time to bowl. “I gave it up,” Louie shrugged.

- By Frank Stewart Daily Question:

“Murphy’s Law applied. I hit good shots only when I was playing alone.”

Louie has the opposite problem at bridge: His errors are on display, and his partners complain. When Louie was today’s declarer at four spades, West led a trump at Trick Two, and Louie drew trumps and led a club from dummy to his jack. West won and returned a club.

Louie won with the ten and tried a heart to his king, but he lost two hearts. Down one.

Louie misplayed for all to see. He should win the first trump in dummy and lead a heart to his king. Say West wins and leads another trump, and Louie wins and concedes a heart.

If East wins and continues with the king of diamonds, Louie ruffs in dummy and ruffs a heart. When the suit breaks 3-3, he gets back with a trump to discard two clubs on the good hearts. If the hearts failed to break, Louie could try the club finesse. You hold: 53 A85 A9753 $ Q 7 6. The dealer, at your left, opens one club. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?

Answer: You have two reasonable options. One is a jump to two diamonds, showing about 10 points and inviting game. The other is a jump to 2NT, suggesting about 11 points, balanced, with a club trick, also inviting game. A bid of 1NT would be timid but would be the choice of a few experts.

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