The Denver Post

Questionin­g the media’s integrity in coverage of Donald Trump

- Re: Jon Pitt,

“Low pay, abuse described at an Ivanka Trump plant,” and “Time out: Fake magazine cover from 2009 featuring Trump hangs at 4 golf clubs,” June 28 news stories.

The desperate clamor of the mainstream media, both print and broadcast, regarding “fake news” vs. their own brand of “real news” in promotiona­l campaigns is entertaini­ng, to say the least. Outlets like The New York Times and CNN are shamed into retraction­s and resignatio­ns with little fanfare, and bias is unabashedl­y exposed with the parting comments from CBS’s Scott Pelley regarding the Steve Scalise shooting. But what’s fascinatin­g to me is how The Denver Post continues in its naked attempt to besmirch the president.

Please tell me how I’m supposed to take The Denver Post and/or Associated Press seriously with headlines like “Low pay … at Ivanka Trump plant.” Really? Her plant? And what are the chances that story sees the light of day without a Trump in it? Or the story about a phony Time magazine cover with Donald Trump on it? He’s a tragic narcissist, we get it. But to conflate his overstuffe­d ego on display at his golf clubs with the dismantlin­g of public trust in media at the hands of press outlets like yourself is disgracefu­l.

It’s been said that if you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed. And if you read it you’re misinforme­d. That’s never been more true. And it’s quite a conundrum.

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