The Denver Post


How is the republic holding up?


Re: “How is democracy doing?” Nov. 12 Daniel W. Drezner column.

Daniel J. Drezner asked how our country’s democracy is doing a year after Donald Trump was elected. His unsurprisi­ng conclusion: No thanks to Trump himself, it is working well. Drezner says Trump acts as a monarch more than a president. He says Trump has misused the FBI and Department of Justice. He fails to mention the broken promises of Obamacare, Benghazi distortion­s, Fast and Furious lies, email scandal or dark clouds shrouding the Clinton Foundation.

This disingenuo­us hit piece accuses President Trump of being a demagogue. By definition, all politician­s are demagogues. They appeal to the popular desires and prejudices of voters to gain power. But Hillary Clinton went a step further when, during the primary, she disrespect­ed voters from her own party. She took control of party apparatus assuring she would be the nominee. The Denver Post once again publishes an article using unreasoned, self-serving opinion to divide rather than unite. Forrest Monroe, Lone Tree

Daniel J. Drezner neglects a few very important facts. First, Donald Trump is doing his best to dismantle the Environmen­tal Protection Agency and totally ignores the perils of climate change; second, Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is doing his utmost to fill the many vacant federal judgeships with very conservati­ve judges as quickly as possible; and third, immigrants are being hassled and detained in increasing numbers. I wouldn’t say that the republic is holding up fine; it just hasn’t been totally dismantled yet. Susan Permut, Monument

 ?? John Locher, Associated Press file ?? President-elect Donald Trump shakes hands with Vice President-elect Mike Pence as he gives his acceptance speech during the early-morning hours of Nov. 9, 2016, in New York.
John Locher, Associated Press file President-elect Donald Trump shakes hands with Vice President-elect Mike Pence as he gives his acceptance speech during the early-morning hours of Nov. 9, 2016, in New York.

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