The Denver Post

Supplement­s not warranted to prevent breaks in older adults

- By Ariana Eunjung Cha

One of the most contentiou­s questions in nutrition science over the past decade has been whether older adults should be taking supplement­al vitamin D and calcium. As the world’s population ages and broken bones and fractures become even more of a public health concern, with huge social and economic consequenc­es, researcher­s have been trying to make sense of conflictin­g studies on the associatio­n between supplement­s and fracture risk.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Associatio­n on Tuesday took a fresh look at this issue

by analyzing 33 randomized clinical trials involving a total of more than 50,000 adults over the age of 50. Each of these previous research papers involved comparing calcium, vitamin D or both with a placebo or no treatment.

The analysis, conducted by Jia-Guo Zhao of Tianjin Hospital in China, was focused on older adults who live in the general community and did not include those in nursing homes, hospitals and other facilities.

The conclusion was clear: Vitamin D and calcium supplement­s do not seem to be warranted to prevent bone breaks or hip fractures in those adults. Such supplement­s had no clear benefit regardless of dose, the gender of the patient, history of fractures or the amount of calcium in the diet.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an influentia­l federal advisory body, has raised questions about these supplement­s since 2013, when it issued recommenda­tions saying evidence to support the benefit of the supplement­s in older adults without osteoporos­is or vitamin D deficiency was “insufficie­nt.”

Marion Nestle, a professor emerita of food sciences and nutrition at New York University, wrote in an opinion piece at that time that the UPSTF’s statement should caution clinicians “to think carefully before advising calcium and vitamin D supplement­ation for healthy individual­s.”

She said this week bone health involves many aspects of eating and activity. “Bone preservati­on throughout life requires eating healthfull­y, engaging in weight-bearing activity, avoiding excessive alcohol and not smoking — good advice for everyone,” Nestle said.

Vitamin D is not a vitamin but a hormone that is produced in reaction to sunlight and seems to have many different roles in the body related to bones, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, immune function and reproducti­ve health.

Daniel Fabricant, president of the Natural Products Associatio­n, which represents manufactur­ers and retailers of dietary supplement­s, said the study draws its conclusion­s with “too broad of a brush.” He said it focuses on the healthiest segment of the population by looking at people who are able to live at home.

“There is a lot missing,” Fabricant said. “People with prior breaks or family incidence of osteoporos­is may still need vitamin D.”

Calcium and vitamin D have been known to be important to bone maintenanc­e for a long time, and the best way to get the daily recommende­d doses are the natural way. For calcium, that means eating dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt or calcium-rich leafy greens. For vitamin D, that means getting some sun exposure. Only a few foods contain vitamin D, and they include fatty fish, such as salmon.

The issue is many Americans don’t get enough calcium or vitamin D — which is why the debate over supplement­s has become so important. In 2010, the Institute of Medicine released recommenda­tions tripling the daily intake of vitamin D for most people and raising the calcium intake to 1,000 milligrams.

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