The Denver Post

Early measure of 2018 voter turnout shows promising signs for Democrats

- By Scott Clement

WASHINGTON» Democrats are just about as likely as Republican­s to say they plan to vote in this year’s congressio­nal elections, a break from the two previous midterm elections, in which Republican­s were significan­tly more inclined to vote, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted in January.

Democratic congressio­nal leaders hope anti-Trump sentiment can boost the party to regain control of the House and possibly the U.S. Senate, and the poll finds many fellow partisans feel a similar urgency. Just over half of Democratic-leaning registered voters, 51 percent, say it is “more important to vote” this year than in previous elections, compared with 34 percent of Republican-leaning voters who say the same.

In the past two midterm years, Republican­s parlayed heightened conservati­ve enthusiasm and disapprova­l of President Barack Obama into consecutiv­e victories and control of the House and Senate. Post-ABC polls in 2014 found that, on average, Republican­leaning voters were 10 points more likely to say they were “absolutely certain to vote” than were voters who leaned toward the Democratic Party. In 2010, Republican­s held a 12point advantage on this question.

But turnout appears to be

shaping up differentl­y this year, with President Donald Trump in the White House and most Americans disapprovi­ng of his performanc­e. Sixty-five percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independen­t voters say they are certain to vote, compared with 63 percent of Republican­leaning voters. Among Republican­s, motivation to vote appears to be down from the past two cycles, while Democrats have changed less, although this may reflect the fact that the surveys in previous years were conducted later in those election years.

Turnout in midterm elections overall is far lower than turnout in presidenti­al-election years, with fewer than four in 10 eligible voters casting ballots in 2014. Enthusiasm to vote this year ranges sharply within each party. The Post-ABC poll finds 54 percent of Americans who say that at the least they will “probably vote” also say it is more important to vote in 2018 than in previous midterm elections, while 44 percent say it is about as important as in the past and only 1 percent say it is less important.

Within the GOP, Trump’s most devoted supporters are also most committed to turning out, with 74 percent of Republican-leaning voters who “strongly approve” of his job performanc­e saying they are certain to turn out. But among the more than four in 10 Republican­leaning voters who approve “somewhat” of Trump or disapprove, fewer than half say they are certain to vote (48 percent).

Two Democratic-leaning groups that have turned out at lower rates in past years also express tepid interest in voting this year. Fewer than half of registered voters ages 18-39, 46 percent, say they are certain to vote, compared with 68 percent of voters ages 40-64 and 77 percent of seniors. And nonwhite voters are nine points less likely than white voters to say they plan to vote (56 percent to 65 percent).

Low turnout among either group could weaken Democrats’ chances this fall, as younger voters favor Democrats by a 20-point margin when asked which party’s candidate they support, while nonwhites favor Democrats by a 50-point margin.

The Post-ABC poll found Democrats holding a 12point advantage over Republican­s when registered voters were asked which party’s candidates they will support in their congressio­nal districts, the so-called “generic ballot” question that has been correlated with the number of seats parties win. Democrats’ advantage has been somewhat smaller in other polls in January, standing at eight points in an average of recent national polls analyzed by The Post. Election analysts forecast that Democrats need a six- to eightpoint advantage in generic polls to win in a majority of House districts.

New breakdowns from the poll show that Democrats hold a 37-point advantage among voters in congressio­nal districts classified as “solid” for Democrats by the Cook Political report, with 64 percent supporting Democrats and 27 percent backing Republican­s. In solid Republican districts, Republican­s hold a narrower, nine-point, advantage — 49 percent to 40 percent.

The race is tight in districts that are more competitiv­e, with 45 percent of registered voters supporting Democrats and 42 percent backing Republican­s. Among 86 districts classified as “likely” for either party, “leaning” one way or “toss-up,” 62 are held by Republican­s. If each party wins all of its safe seats, Democrats need to win a majority of all competitiv­e seats to take control of the House.

Twice as many Americans say they prefer to elect representa­tives to Congress who have experience in Congress over newcomers to politics, 58 percent to 29 percent. More than three-quarters of self-identified Democrats say they prefer experience­d candidates. Just over half of independen­ts and fewer than half of Republican­s say they prefer experience.

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