The Denver Post

President Trump’s backing out of Iran deal is questioned

- Re:

“Trump pulls U.S. out, plans to start economic sanctions,” May 9 news story

President Donald Trump is reimposing sanctions on Iran, breaking an internatio­nal agreement that has prevented Iran from producing nuclear weapons, totally ignoring dozens of leaders and experts, including a former Israeli security minister. This act seems insane and brings us closer to war.

We, the American people, are sick and tired of endless wars and looked to the president to end them. Our children are sent to die and our tax money is frittered away, driving the country into debt. People we attack begin to hate us and the world only becomes more dangerous.

It is up to our Sens. Cory Gardner and Michael Bennet and representa­tives, including Diana DeGette, to stay the president’s hand and prevent any use of funds for a war with Iran. In addition, Congress needs to reassert its Constituti­onal duty: the sole authority to declare war. Judy Danielson, Denver


I believe Trump committed a very bad act by walking away from our friends and allies. Our word, our credibilit­y as a nation is now gone. Think about that. Republican­s accept Trump lies on a daily basis and now they support Trump as he destroys the credibilit­y of our nation.

Somehow, Trump would not listen to France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia and China — only to listen to Israel/Jewish supporters in the U.S. Something is not right here. Trump’s adviser, John Bolton, led us to war in Iraq, and it is presumed he will be all out again with a war as Israel somehow gets into a war with Iran. However, I bet our allies are no longer gullible to our lies.

Mark my words: What was done today is not over. Corruption continues. Barbara Wells, Aurora


Re: “Gardner defends Trump’s decision to ditch Iran deal,” May 9 news story

I disagree with Sen. Cory Gardner. The Iran deal successful­ly closed off Iran’s ability to build a nuclear weapon while protecting against another U.S. war in the Middle East. I believe President Trump increased the risk of war with Iran by violating the terms of the deal, and I hope Congress will take immediate action to prevent a war. I ask that Sens. Michael Bennet and Gardner, and Rep. Ken Buck press Trump to immediatel­y reverse his decision, speak out against war with Iran, and hold emergency hearings where administra­tion officials are questioned about the grave consequenc­es of this decision. Diplomacy is the answer, not the devastatin­g human and economic toll that war would take on the U.S. Devona Renee, Longmont

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