The Denver Post

A different world view


Re: “Outsider’s view of NATO, Trump,” Aug. 8 letter to the editor

Having just returned to Denver from a two week visit to Germany, I couldn’t help but respond to the letter from Joanie Jones. She said that the news coverage in Germany, Finland and the Baltics was “not negative towards Trump, as it is here in the U.S.”

I beg to differ. I suspect Jones was either watching RT News (the Russian TV propaganda channel), or was not paying attention to what she was seeing and hearing — something Trump encourages his followers to do. The press I watched and the people I spoke with in Germany were as confused and dismayed by Trump’s performanc­e in Helsinki as we are.

As a matter of fact, the people I spoke with were more likely than not to remind me of their own unhappy recent history with a hate-inciting demagogue. Frank Szeflinski, Denver

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