The Denver Post

Perspectiv­e: Xcel’s plan to close Comanche power plants is a dud for Coloradans»

- By James Taylor James Taylor ( is senior fellow for environmen­t policy at The Heartland Institute.

When a big, out-of-state electric utility hatches a scheme to rake in over $100 million in profits off a captive Colorado customer base, Coloradans should be skeptical.

This is especially true when the utility’s plan locks in its huge profits up front, but then requires Coloradans to bear the risk of speculativ­e future savings. Which is exactly the case under Minneapoli­s-based Xcel Energy’s proposal to close the Comanche 1 and 2 coal power plants in Pueblo and replace them with expensive new facilities that Xcel plans to build.

As a regulated monopoly utility, Xcel is guaranteed an approximat­e 10 percent profit on every dollar it spends building new facilities. This is a tremendous incentive for Xcel to build new power facilities. Unfortunat­ely for Xcel, Colorado already has more than enough power facilities, for now.

Xcel proposes to close two perfectly functionin­g power plants that generate 700 megawatts of power and then build a bevy of new facilities, with 2,400 megawatts of generating capacity, to replace them. Xcel estimates the new facilities will cost $2.5 billion to build, which would guarantee $250 million in profits for whomever builds them.

Convenient­ly, Xcel — in addition to supplying power to Colorado customers — is also in the business of building new power facilities. Under its proposal, the company will have an opportunit­y to build 50 percent to 75 percent of the new power facilities. This scheme to “save Coloradans money“gives Xcel an opportunit­y to guarantee itself at least $125 million in additional profits.

If Xcel’s primary goal is to save Colorado ratepayers money — as it claims — it should voluntaril­y remove itself from considerat­ion for building the new facilities. If Xcel refuses to voluntaril­y remove itself from the process, then the Colorado Public Utilities Commission should take it upon itself to remove Xcel from the building process. This is a crucial step necessary to increase the chances that Xcel is being an honest broker in its economic estimates and professed altruism.

Xcel has a vested financial selfintere­st in presenting cost estimates that justify its desire to build the new facilities. Intermount­ain Rural Electric Associatio­n, however, has no dog in this fight other than a desire to ensure low-cost power. Xcel is a for-profit, investor-owned utility. Intermount­ain, which serves different portions of Colorado than Xcel, purchases much of its power on the wholesale market from Xcel.

If Xcel truly can save customers money, then Intermount­ain stands to benefit as well, being able to purchase power from Xcel at a lower price and be a hero saving its customers money. On the other hand, if the scheme will ultimately raise prices, then Intermount­ain and its customers will be stuck paying the higher prices. Intermount­ain, therefore, has credible, objective motives to assess the cost impact of Xcel’s plan.

Intermount­ain is extremely dubious about Xcel’s claims. According to Intermount­ain, the plan will likely cause prices to rise. In fact, Intermount­ain is so convinced about this point that it actively and vociferous­ly opposes Xcel’s new scheme. This should serve as a powerful argument against the Xcel proposal.

Xcel is attempting to “greenwash” its plan, proposing that 1,700 megawatts of its new generation be wind and solar power. Xcel’s strategy is to gain crucial allies among environmen­tal activists and gloss over the severely negative cost consequenc­es of its plan.

However, the plan’s environmen­tal benefits are relatively minimal and superfluou­s. Colorado already is ahead of schedule meeting some the nation’s most aggressive renewable power and emission-reduction mandates in the country. Also, just over a decade ago, Xcel invested $190 million in ratepayer money in new clean-emissions equipment to make the Comanche 1 and 2 units among the most environmen­tally friendly in the world. Xcel justified the expense, and its profits for the expenditur­es, by claiming the equipment would deliver clean air for several decades. After spending so much ratepayer money on the equipment, now Xcel wants to scrap it?

Xcel’s proposal to shut down the Comanche 1 and 2 power plants will drain millions of dollars from Colorado consumers. If Coloradans support shutting down the power plants anyway, then Xcel should be removed from the process of profiting off the constructi­on of the new facilities.

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