The Denver Post

Outdoor businesses want program to stay

- By Judith Kohler

Coloradans are among those planning to travel to Washington next week to share new polling with federal lawmakers that says outdoor businesses across the West view the Land and Water Conservati­on Fund as important to their bottom line.

The clock is ticking down to the Sept. 30 expiration date on the fund, establishe­d by Congress in 1964 to conserve open spaces, fish and wildlife habitat and cultural, historic and recreation sites. A new poll of roughly 822 owners and managers of outdoor businesses in Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Montana found that eight in 10 businesses support reauthoriz­ing the conservati­on program, speakers in a teleconfer­ence said Thursday.

Patrick Webber, who cofounded Coloradoba­sed Fourpoints Real Food Energy Bars, said his business relies on people who enjoy the outdoors and public lands.

“As a startup, we know programs like the Land and Water Conservati­on Fund are important to our business,” Webber said. “We know that outdoor enthusiast­s will have protected places to play, and we’ll have a great place for us to build our brand in.”

Beau Kiklis and others with the Colorado Outdoor Business Alliance will meet with members of the Colorado congressio­nal delegation next week to urge members to vote to permanentl­y reauthoriz­e the LWCF. They will share the results of polling by Strategies 360, a public affairs firm with offices across the West.

The survey found that 82 percent of the businesses surveyed believe Congress should reauthoriz­e the LWCF and provide ongoing, longterm funding, said Kevin Ingham, the firm’s senior vice president of research. Seventythr­ee percent of the respondent­s agreed that public lands and access to them provided by the LWCF and other conservati­on programs help their business recruit and retain highlevel employees, according to the results.

And the support is bipartisan, Ingham added, with 51 percent of those surveyed identifyin­g as Republican­s and 32 percent as Democrats.

As time runs out on the conservati­on program, the voices calling for continuing the LWCF have grown louder. Last

week, a coalition of 70 Colorado businesses sent a letter to the state’s congressio­nal delegation urging the program’s renewal.

Most of the state’s delegation is on board. Sens. Michael Bennet and Cory Gardner are cosponsors of S. 569, a bill that would permanentl­y reauthoriz­e and fully fund the LWCF. Reps. Diana DeGette, Jared Polis, Mike Coffman and Ed Perlmutter are all cosponsors of a House version of the legislatio­n. Rep. Scott Tipton recently announced his support for reauthoriz­ing the fund.

However, some members of Congress have balked at reauthoriz­ing the 54yearold fund unless state and local officials and landowners have more say in how the funds are spent. They worry the money will be used to add to the lands managed by the federal government.

“I trust Coloradans to steward our state’s beautiful lands and natural resources,” Colorado Rep. Ken Buck said in a prepared statement Thursday. “Any reauthoriz­ation of the Land and Water Conservati­on Fund should empower local landowners, county commission­ers and state officials to play a greater role in the process of managing our lands.”

A request for comment from Colorado Rep. Doug Lamborn wasn’t returned.

“Changing the way LWCF funds are distribute­d is a solution in search of a problem,” Kiklis said. “LWCF is a remarkably balanced program that provides immense value to communitie­s across the country and already provides significan­t funding to states and local government­s.”

Supporters of the LWCF point out that the funds have been used for community projects nationwide, including trails, ballfields and urban parks. Money has been used to acquire private land in the middle of national parks and other public lands. The fund has generated roughly $268 million since its inception for projects in Colorado.

The program is funded through a portion of the fees imposed on offshore oil and gas operations. Congress has rarely funded the LWCF at its full authorized level of $900 million per year. Congress extended it for three years after it originally ran out in 2015. This time, supporters want Con gress to permanentl­y reauthoriz­e it and commit to fully funding it.

Business owners say they see the LWCF as important to driving the outdoor recreation economy, which the Outdoor Industry Associatio­n estimates at $887 billion nationwide and $28 billion in Colorado.

The benefits of access to public lands and outdoor recreation aren’t limited to the direct spending and jobs involved, said Eric Roberts with SH Architectu­re in Las Vegas.

“Profession­als today care about where they live. They care about having access to public lands and care about access to places to recreate,” Roberts said.

The poll of Western businesses was commission­ed by Business for Montana’s Outdoors, Colorado Outdoor Business Alliance, Get Outdoors Nevada and Partnershi­p for Responsibl­e Business in New Mexico. Online and phone interviews were conducted July 26 and Aug. 7. The margin of error within each state is 6.9 percent.

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