The Denver Post

Travel Q&A


1. With an area of nearly 85 square miles, Sobokatamu­ki National Park is located on the southernmo­st of Japan’s major islands. Name this island. a) Honshu b) Hokkaido c) Kyushu

2. With a population of only 13,646 residents determined during the 2010 census, which state has a smaller capital city? a) South Dakota b) Arizona c) Kansas? Bonus: Name this capital city.

3. Central America’s most populous country has more than 12 million people. Name this country, which borders Mexico. a) Belize b) Honduras c) Guatemala

4. The Platte is a tributary of which river? a) Canadian b) Arkansas c) Missouri

5. Which country has more boreal forests? a) Australia b) Indonesia c) Finland

6. Lewis and Clark traveled through which presentday state as they explored the Louisiana Purchase? a) North Dakota b) Louisiana c) Arkansas

7. During President Bill Clinton’s trip to Africa in March 1998, he spoke to schoolchil­dren in a town near Kampala, telling them, “It is as well not to dwell too much on the past, but I think it is worth pointing out that the United States has not always done the right thing by Africa.” This visit occurred in what country? a) South Africa b) Mozambique c) Uganda

8. Vietnam’s history and culture have been influenced by the fact that it was controlled by which European country from 1883 to 1954? a) Germany b) The Netherland­s c) France

9. The Mesabi Range, source of most of the iron ore mined in the United States, is in which state? a) Nevada b) Minnesota c) Colorado

10. On average, each resident of which industrial­ized country produces more garbage than the people of any other country? a) Brazil b) United States c) China

Questions provided by the National Geographic Bee. Visit nationalge­

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