The Denver Post

The Open Forum Gun advocates need to help us

- Re: Lynn Buschhoff, Glenn Kimata, M.D.,

Several readers responded to The Denver Post editorial calling for gun control with the idea that guns are not the problem, it’s the people who own them. I hate guns, but I agree with this idea.

So all those who love and cherish guns, and those who make money from selling guns, how should we control who gets guns? What works? What can we do proactivel­y, instead of waiting for more and more shootings, to reduce the number of guns that are in the hands of the mentally ill, the domestic abusers, the depressed, the ones with anger issues, etc.?

It would be a huge invasion of privacy to determine who those people are, and of course there is no way to identify them all. The goal is to reduce, not the number of guns, but the number of victims. So far the only plan that seems to have worked in other countries is to reduce the number of guns available. If you want to keep your guns, gun owners, be part of the solution. How do you propose we reduce the number of innocent victims of guns? and hospitals don’t have any more insight into it any more than the patient does.”

To my dismay the Colorado Medical Associatio­n and their lobbyists are perhaps the major impediment to finding solutions to this issue that may be affecting hundreds of patients to the tune of thousands of dollars.

While I strongly support physicians being able to charge what they feel they deserve, it seems unfair to disallow patients a choice in treatment providers prior to a crisis which by its very nature holds people hostage to any provider available. I hope my esteemed and talented colleagues in the CMS will advocate for a change from within their organizati­on and then too perhaps Rep. Bob Gardner (R) and Rep. Daneya Esgar (D) will be successful in their efforts in finding a political solution to this important but hidden issue.

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