The Denver Post

Yellowston­e officials warn of bison behavior

- By Mead Gruver

A man reaches over a railing to pet a bison on the head in yet another example of dangerous behavior by visitors to Yellowston­e National Park.

A video shows the bison stepped away from the man standing on a crowded boardwalk near a thermal area. Nobody was hurt, but Yellowston­e officials warned Wednesday the outcome could have been different if the animal had charged.

Similar incidents happen several times a year, sometimes with harmful results. Bison injure a handful of people in Yellowston­e every year on average.

The man demonstrat­ed “an incredible lack of judgment and common sense,” park Superinten­dent Cam Sholly said in a news release. “Not only did he put himself and others at risk, he violated regulation­s designed to keep these animals wild. We expect better from our visitors.”

Park officials are still investigat­ing details of the video posted online July 8, including who the man is and where and when the incident happened, said Yellowston­e spokeswoma­n Morgan Warthin.

Bison in Yellowston­e spend much of their time grazing and lolling on the ground, making them appear docile. But they’re not docile, as tourists who get too close demonstrat­e every summer.

On July 22, a bison charged and tossed a 9year-old Florida girl several feet into the air after tourists came within 5 to 10 feet of the animal.

The girl was treated at a nearby clinic and released. Park rangers investigat­ed but decided not to cite anybody for that incident, Warthin said.

About 50 people had gotten close to that bison and no ranger was nearby, Warthin said.

Bison in Yellowston­e injured at least two people in 2018, one in 2017 and five in 2015.

Last year’s incidents involving bison included a woman gored in the hip and a man who admitted to trying to shoo one off a road.

Park officials urge people to keep away from all large animals, even those that wander into parking lots or near trails.

A safe distance, they say, is 25 yards from bison, elk, bighorn sheep, deer, moose and coyotes and at least 100 yards from bears and wolves.

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