The Denver Post

Atheism not a belief system


Re: “What John Andrews got wrong about Islam and religion,” July 19 commentary

Krista Kafer quotes Steven Waldman: “Atheism’s historical track record has been no better. Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot all attempted to destroy religion, and in 50 years they killed more people than had died in all the religious wars of the previous millennia.”

Atheism is not a religion or belief system. It is merely a statement that a person has not yet seen convincing evidence about claims that supernatur­al gods exist. If you do not believe in fairies or the gods Zeus, Athena or Neptune, you are an atheist regarding these supernatur­al claims. Today’s atheists just go one god further.

Most people become atheists after practicing rational, evidence-based thinking and committing to intellectu­al honesty about claims that may be emotionall­y attractive, but consistent­ly lack credible evidence. If atheists have any “belief system,” it is simply that.

None of the above-named dictators were despots from being excessivel­y intellectu­ally honest, or demanding too much evidence to support their ideologies. They fought against religion to prevent large numbers of people listening to religious leaders who might preach against their regimes. None of them made disbelief in god the center point of their ideologies. Their thinking was authoritar­ian and based on certainty of opinion, much like religion.

A fair reading of history shows there has never been a despotic government by intellectu­ally honest people who excessivel­y demanded rational, evidence-based answers. The claim that atheists were the cause of these holocausts is false. Richard Watkins, Longmont

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