The Denver Post


- By Amir Vahdat

Gen. Hossein Salami says, “If anyone crosses our borders, we will hit them.”

T EHRA N , I RA N » Iran’s powerful Revolution­ary Guard is ready for combat and “any scenario,” its chief commander said Saturday, as the country’s nuclear deal with world powers collapses and the U.S. alleged that Iran was behind a weekend attack on major oil sites in Saudi Arabia that shook global energy markets.

Iran has denied involvemen­t in the Sept. 14 attack that was initially claimed by Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthi rebels. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who is in New York for the U.N. meetings, has warned that any retaliator­y strike on Iran by the U.S. or Saudi Arabia will result in “an all-out war.”

Gen. Hossein Salami, at a Saturday ceremony displaying pieces of an American drone that Iran shot down in June, said his forces have carried out “war exercises and are ready for any scenario.” He added: “If anyone crosses our borders, we will hit them.”

Zarif claimed in a tweet that Saudi Arabia does not believe its own allegation­s that Iran was responsibl­e for the attack on Saudi oil sites.

“It is clear that even the Saudis themselves don’t believe the fiction of Iranian involvemen­t,” Zarif said, pointing to what he described as a Saudi retaliator­y attack on Houthi forces in southweste­rn Yemen.

Saudi Arabia has been at war with the Houthi rebels since March 2015. The U.N., Gulf Arab nations and the U.S. accuse Iran of supplying arms to the Houthis, something Tehran denies.

The Houthis announced Friday they are halting all drone and ballistic missile attacks on Saudi Arabia — a move welcomed Saturday by Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths. If implemente­d in good faith, he said, a halt to hostile military acts against the Saudis “could send a powerful message of the will to end the war.”

Griffiths said in a statement that he also welcomed the Houthis’ “expression of further openness” to implementi­ng a prisoner exchange agreement, “and the desire for a political solution to end the conflict.” He stressed “the importance of taking advantage of this opportunit­y and moving forward with all necessary steps to reduce violence, military escalation and unhelpful rhetoric.”

Analysts say missiles used in the Sept. 14 assault wouldn’t have enough range to reach oil sites in eastern Saudi Arabia from impoverish­ed Yemen. The missiles and drones used resembled Iranian-made weapons; analysts say more study is needed to definitive­ly link them to Iran.

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