The Denver Post

Give credit where credit is due


Re: “Economy doesn’t make Trump impeachmen­t-proof,” Oct. 7 commentary

Catherine Rampell’s piece on whether the state of the economy makes Trump non-impeachabl­e is absolutely correct in her observatio­ns. However, I feel she short-changed the Herculean efforts made by President Obama in correcting the economic debacle of 2008. Obama worked with the private sector, Congress and the Federal Reserve to right the ship. Eight years of hard work, difficult decisions, incredible compromise and a futurity policy that discounts the political moment in favor of what is best for the future of the United States. Obama’s legacy was a strengthen­ing economy. Unfortunat­ely, he wasn’t there to take the credit.

Enter the bombast and braggadoci­o of Trump. Trump pounds his chest feigning that the positive economy rests magically upon his shoulders. What has Trump done to support his self-aggrandize­ment?

He passed a tax reform that favored the wealthy with the thought that the financial windfall would act as an economic stimulus, but the wealthy said thank you and pocketed the windfall. Then in Trump’s unparallel­ed wisdom, he initiated trade wars on several fronts, which demonstrat­es his lack of comprehens­ion of the interplay of internatio­nal economic forces. We now face a huge deficit and untenable growth in our national debt. Any prosperity we are experienci­ng is due to the efforts of the Obama administra­tion. The financial downturn lies squarely on the shoulders of No. 45! Bob Bonacci, Littleton

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