The Denver Post

The deportatio­n of Ms. Estrada

- Phil Mocon, Re: Linda Krabbenhof­t, Kathy Derrick, William F. Hineser,

Thanks to recent reporting from The Denver Post, the Polis administra­tion was caught in the act of destroying public records — namely, emails from hundreds of employees at the Department of Regulatory Affairs and Department of Correction­s.

The Post is absolutely correct to lay the responsibi­lity for fixing this mess at the feet of Gov. Jared Polis. But even if the emails at these two state agencies are preserved, it will only be a small victory against the governor’s campaign of secrecy against his critics and the broader public.

In September, The Post exposed exorbitant charges for processing open records requests. In recent days, it has emerged that officials writing the so-called state option for health care demanded $3,500 before they would track down and release documents related to this sweeping proposal.

Stopping the destructio­n of public documents won’t do any good if taxpayers still can’t afford to see them.

I found it very odd that The Post should ask Polis to have state agencies, “pause plans to purge thousands of state employee emails that are more than two months old.” As far as I can determine, as a retired federal records manager, all state agencies should be following the Colorado Records Management Manual that authorizes the retention and disposal of state records.

The retention/disposal periods of state emails are listed in retention Schedule Number 1 of that manual. Retention periods can only be changed by going through the state archivist. Perhaps some additional training should be made available to state agencies on how long to maintain and destroy their electronic and hardcopy records. The Post may want to review this manual, as well, when asking for records using

And the stupidity and cruelty of our immigratio­n system go on and on and on. Read the article about Anahi Jaquez Estrada in Sunday’s paper. Wouldn’t you think that a developed county like ours could figure out a better and more humane way to deal with a situation like this? It’s incredibly sad and cruel for her family, especially her daughter.

Your story of the deportatio­n of Anahi Jaquez Estrada really plucked my heartstrin­gs. Until I read further and found out she had both a misdemeano­r and a felony. DACA recipients are here under specific conditions provided by the goodness of the United States. Why would she put herself and her family at risk by committing a crime? It is unfortunat­e and sad, but she was rightfully deported.

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