The Denver Post

Dear Amy: I wish I could undo some of the terrible mistakes I’ve made. My daughter hasn’t spoken to me in years.

- By Amy Dickinson

When she was very young, I divorced her dad and moved hundreds of miles away. I married a man with two sons and a parenting method that I didn’t agree with, but I felt trapped with him — the way I’d felt trapped with her dad. We were together for 10 years.

I waited until after my daughter graduated from high school, and then I separated from her stepfather. It was very difficult to live on my own and we ended up getting back together. It was more out of convenienc­e than anything.

When I told my daughter that I was getting back together with him, she blew up and told me that her stepbrothe­r had drugged and raped her several times. I was in complete shock! She has not spoken to me since then.

I think about her every day. I stalk her on Facebook (with an unrecogniz­able profile) just so I can see her life. I can’t be a part of her life because she has blocked me. This estrangeme­nt breaks my 83-year-old mother’s heart, and I would like to see us all together again. — Regretful

Dear Regretful: If you want your relationsh­ips to change, then you need to change. It’s really that simple. Although you admit to having regrets, you don’t seem to have taken responsibi­lity for the role you played in your daughter’s trauma. Your reaction to her disclosure that she was raped while in your household was to express shock, and then passively sigh — and continue on to reunite with your ex.

Are you not aware that the best thing to do when someone reports a rape is to call the police? (And people wonder why assault victims hesitate to report!)

Yes, you’ve made mistakes. Admitting this is definitely a step in the right direction, but you don’t get to claim victimhood, here. Until you take responsibi­lity for your parental neglect, passivity, and terrible judgment, you cannot hope for a reconcilia­tion. Even your Facebook-stalking seems to me more melodrama than the action of a mother desperate to make things right. You are not the victim of her blocking you. There are many ways — other than Facebook — to contact someone, however, until you can commit to positive change, it is probably wisest for your daughter to keep her distance.

A compassion­ate and competent counselor could walk you through the events in your life that have culminated in this moment. With coaching and positive change, the reconcilia­tion you desire might be possible. I hope you will try.

Dear Amy: “Queasy in Florida” wanted to put an anonymous note in the mailbox of a woman at her retirement community, criticizin­g her behavior at the home’s communal dining table.

Thank you for recommendi­ng a discreet, in-person conversati­on. My loving, kind, 86-yearold parents just voluntaril­y moved into an assisted-living community. My dad wore a hat in the dining room because his head is always cold.

Someone left a copy of the dress code at their apartment door with an arrow pointing to “no hats in the dining room.”

My mother was furious, and I was heartbroke­n that someone would be so catty and cowardly toward my wonderful parents, especially as they were brand new and just getting used to their new home. — Protective Daughter

Dear Protective: Nonjudgmen­tal, discreet, and in-person is almost always the best way to communicat­e.

Dear Amy: I was absolutely blown away by the letter from “Justin,” the young transgende­r man who sent you a follow-up after you published his question about how to communicat­e with his parents over the holidays.

So many of us in the LGBTQ community are tasked with extremely challengin­g and awkward social or family-related negotiatio­ns. It’s not fair to us, but yes — humor always helps. — Been There

Dear Been There: Justin is a special person — I appreciate­d hearing back from him that his parents are really coming around.

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