The Denver Post

In the race for COVID-19 drugs, this scientist urges slower pace

Beginning every morning at 5:30, Dr. Andre Kalil makes himself a double espresso, runs 10 kilometers, makes additional double espressos for himself and his wife, and heads to his laboratory at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. A deluge awaits him

- By Gina Kolata Tim Gruber, © The New York Times Co.

Calls and insistent emails pile up each day. Patients and their doctors are clamoring for untested coronaviru­s treatments, encouraged by President Donald Trump, who said that “we can’t wait” for rigorous studies of the anti-malarial drugs chloroquin­e and hydroxychl­oroquine and that ill patients should have ready access to experiment­al medicines.

Kalil, 54, is a principal investigat­or in the federal government’s clinical trial of drugs that may treat the coronaviru­s. It is starting with remdesivir, an antiviral drug. The first results will be ready within weeks.

Kalil, who has decades of experience grappling with questions about the use — and misuse — of experiment­al drugs, has rarely been more frustrated. He has seen what happens when desperatio­n drives treatment decisions. “Many drugs we believed were fantastic ended up killing people,” he said in an interview. “It is so hard to keep explaining that.”

Kalil is haunted by memories of the Ebola outbreak that ravaged Africa from 2014 to 2016. Then, too, doctors said they could not wait for scientific evidence, and untested drugs were given to suffering Ebola patients by optimistic physicians with noble intentions. In the long run, none of the drugs was ever approved in the United States for treatment of the disease.

Today, hope centers on chloroquin­e and hydroxychl­oroquine. These drugs have been tested in the laboratory against many viruses: severe acute respirator­y syndrome and Middle East respirator­y syndrome — both coronaviru­ses — as well as HIV, dengue, Ebola, chikunguny­a and influenza. But even when they seemed to work, what succeeded in the test tube did not succeed in real life, Kalil said.

In fact, the anti-malarial drugs have never been found to work against any viral disease, including Ebola. (Malaria is caused by a parasite, not a virus.) And the drugs have side effects, including damage to the liver and bone marrow, as well as heart rhythm disturbanc­es that could be fatal in older people and young people with serious

medical problems.

Even worse, Kalil said, is the promotion of the antibiotic azithromyc­in in combinatio­n with the anti-malarial drugs to treat COVID-19 patients. Azithromyc­in also may cause serious heart rhythm problems, and the combinatio­n of drugs, Kalil said, has never been tested for safety in humans.

That is not to say the drugs won’t help patients with the coronaviru­s, only that whether this is so is unknown.

“This is very charged emotionall­y,” Kalil said. “It is Ebola deja vu.”

Kalil, an intensive-care specialist, is a principal investigat­or in an unusual federal trial that may shape the course of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Every surface in his office at the University of Nebraska Medical Center is piled with stacks of papers and folders — these days, there is no time to clean up. His lunch, at 3 p.m. on a recent afternoon, consisted of a turkey wrap and a bottle of water from a mini fridge.

Kalil is voluble, lean and energetic, an unabashed patriot whose family emigrated from Brazil decades ago. He can be confrontat­ional and has squared off with leading scientists when he feels their treatments cannot be justified by scientific evidence.

He has participat­ed in 22 marathons and knows he is running in the most important race of all. As patients and the president alike demand treatments, he wants people to understand that testing is proceeding as quickly as possible.

“At the risk of sounding clichéd,” said Dr. John Lowe, assistant vice chancellor at the medical center, Kalil is “the type of person who elevates a team through his demeanor and approach to research.”

There is no vaccine and no treatment for COVID-19, the respirator­y illness caused by the coronaviru­s. As of Thursday, the virus has infected 1.5 million people worldwide, at least 430,000 in the United States, where it has killed more than 14,500 people.

Remdesivir, made by Gilead, was chosen to be the first treatment evaluated in the federal effort after investigat­ors did a careful search for drugs that might be effective. It was designed to be a broad spectrum antiviral that stops the synthesis of genetic material in a variety of viruses.

Laboratory and animal studies suggested that remdesivir might be effective against coronaviru­ses, and safety studies had already been conducted in animals. The drug also was tested in animals infected with MERS and SARS, both caused by coronaviru­ses.

“We don’t know if remdesivir will get into the lungs in a high enough concentrat­ion to kill the virus,” Kalil said of its possible use to treat COVID-19. “We don’t know if it will cause side effects.”

It is even possible that taking the drug may hasten patients’ deaths. “That is why we need a randomized controlled trial,” he said.

Although remdesivir is not approved for treatment of any illness, Gilead provided the drug to COVID-19 patients under legal exceptions for “compassion­ate use.” But demand escalated to such an extent that the company announced last month that it would stop giving out the antiviral.

“I would never give this or any other experiment­al drug off-label to my patients,” Kalil said. “There is nothing compassion­ate about compassion­ate use. You are treating emotion.”

The problem is not just that an experiment­al drug may not work or may endanger patients. It is also that if a drug is distribute­d to patients far and wide, no one will ever know if it works.

If a COVID-19 patient takes remdesivir or chloroquin­e and dies, did the drug fail? Was the patient too far gone? Did the drug actually hasten death?

If the patient survives, was it because of the drug? Despite it? Without a controlled trial, there’s no good answer and no way to compare patients once the drug is handed out routinely.

The trial Kalil leads is not the only one testing remdesivir against the coronaviru­s. But it is the only trial with the rigor to show whether this or other drugs work in the U.S. population.

The research began in February with three patients who had been infected aboard the cruise ship Diamond Princess and were flown to the University of Nebraska.

About 400 patients are now enrolled at various sites, and with that number the trial has enough patients for a preliminar­y analysis, now underway, which will determine if the experiment should continue with remdesivir.

In the usual clinical trial, one drug is tested against a control substance — placebo or the standard-of-care drug — for a set period of time. The investigat­ors are not permitted to see the data.

When the trial ends and the data is revealed, the researcher­s decide if the new drug is helpful. If it is not, the process must start over with a different drug. The experiment­s can take years.

But Kalil is running a socalled adaptive trial. Researcher­s start by comparing an experiment­al drug — in this case, remdesivir — to the placebo. After a comparativ­ely short period of time, they peek at the data.

If patients taking remdesivir are faring better than those taking the placebo, the study will move on to a second phase in which another drug is tested against remdesivir, which becomes the trial’s control.

 ??  ?? Dr. Andre Kalil, shown at his office in Omaha, is an intensive-care specialist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and a principal investigat­or of a major trial of a drug to treat COVID-19.
Dr. Andre Kalil, shown at his office in Omaha, is an intensive-care specialist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and a principal investigat­or of a major trial of a drug to treat COVID-19.

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