The Denver Post

Durkin's anti-Semitic tropes should disqualify him from public office

- By Jeffrey A. Wolf Jeffrey A. Wolf is a Denver attorney in private practice..

Re: “Durkin for DA in Jefferson and Gilpin counties,” Sept. 4 Denver Post endorsemen­t

It is beyond disappoint­ing that The Denver Post nonchalant­ly overlooked months of Republican Matthew Durkin’s race- baiting rhetoric in its endorsemen­t of him for District Attorney in the 1st Judicial District. This becomes especially troubling in light of his leadership role in a district attorney’s office that shockingly mishandled a clear- cut hate crime in Jefferson County.

To put it simply, Matthew Durkin is running an unapologet­ically Trump- style campaign. Durkin’s core campaign strategy is to run against George Soros — repeatedly casting a Jewish philanthro­pist as a puppet master destabiliz­ing society. Durkin’s best case for his election is to use xenophobia and anti- Semitic tropes to scare citizens into voting for more of the same in a DA’s office that is in desperate need of reform.

None of this is accidental. In campaign emails, videos and online interviews spanning months, Durkin repeatedly returns to this antiSemiti­c stereotype.

The Post even gently raps Durkin’s knuckles in its endorsemen­t, writing, “We’d encourage him to spend less time on his blog blaming liberals like George Soros… .”

Durkin didn’t listen. On Sept. 16, he sent his most disgusting and blatantly anti- Semitic plea for money yet. Approvingl­y quoting a disgraced politician ( who went to prison for bribery), Durkin’s latest attack on George Soros talks of the need to “disinfect” urban DA offices. Anyone passingly familiar with anti- Semitism’s long history of dehumanizi­ng the Jewish people as parasites or disease would recognize what Durkin is doing.

In its endorsemen­t, The Post also turns a blind eye to the shameful incompeten­ce in the district attorney’s office with the handling of the Singh case. In a case that gained internatio­nal attention, a violent and racially- motivated attack on a Sikh small- business owner in Lakewood was originally determined by the DA to not be a hate crime — until public outrage forced a retreat.

The initial refusal to appropriat­ely charge this crime sent a disturbing signal to local religious minorities.

Taken together with Durkin’s disgracefu­l candidacy, it’s clear that change and reform are deeply needed in that office.

Voters must refuse to elect Matthew Durkin, a candidate who openly traffics in anti- Semitic tropes and stereotype­s.

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