The Denver Post

What, if anything, should the federal government do to improve the economy?


Crow: The COVID- 19 pandemic calls for an aggressive government response. It’s been over three months since we passed our latest COVID relief bill, the Heroes Act, which is sitting in the Senate while American families struggle to put food on the table and make rent. This is the public health and economic crisis of our generation and if we don’t provide the federal funding now to support hardworkin­g families, build back our economy and invest in COVID- 19 response, we are going to be facing a decadeplus­long recovery. In addition, we should invest heavily in infrastruc­ture to ensure we have the infrastruc­ture necessary to compete in the 21st century

House: Manage the transition back to a full economy post COVID with the use of some additional stimulus that focuses on bringing back businesses that have failed for lack of capital or market conditions. 41% of Black owned small business has gone away and should be a target area. Once COVID is over then manage back to fiscal responsibi­lity and potentiall­y implement a debt break to put future U. S. economies on a stable footing.

Olsen: Stop trying to improve the economy! Interest rates have been at sub- normal levels since 1998. This has resulted in queering the economy more than it has stimulated it. The “robust” economy is driven solely by debt which is being created with wild abandon and is now at levels which can never ever be repaid. Per Herb Stein: “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” This applies here. Government must allow interest rates to return to normal, reduce its size, reduce its regulation, reduce taxes, balance its budget, and get out of the way of productive Americans.

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