The Denver Post

Ida reveals two Louisianas: one with storm walls, another without

- By Richard Fausset, Sophie Kasakove and Christophe­r Flavelle

LAROSE, LA.» After Hurricane Katrina, an ambitious and expensive system of levees, walls, storm gates and pumps was installed around New Orleans to protect against the kind of flooding and horror that so deeply scarred the city, and the nation, in 2005. And when Hurricane Ida hit last week, exactly 16 years later, those hopes largely were fulfilled. The flooding was minimal.

But 60 miles away, in the small community of Larose, the situation was different. In William Lowe’s neighborho­od, storm surge from Ida topped a modest levee maintained by the Lafourche Parish government near his elevated house, sending water from a nearby canal up over his floorboard­s. Days later, his neighborho­od was still waterlogge­d, and he and his family were getting to and from the house by boat.

“You’ve got lives destroyed down here,” said Lowe, 49, choking back tears. “You go to the Dollar General, you’ve got people standing outside bawling because they’ve got nothing.”

In the working-class bayou country south and west of New Orleans, local government officials have been trying for decades to secure federal funding for a system similar to the one in New Orleans, to little avail.

And as Ida moved north, taking more death and destructio­n to places such as New York City, advocates for the project in coastal Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes were left to wonder about its fate at a time when bigger and better-known places are more likely to be competing for storm protection funding.

As sea levels rise and a warming ocean brings more fearsome storms, the fight over hurricane protection in southern Louisiana is only the latest example of a growing dilemma for the United States: which places to try to save, and how to decide.

Until recently, that question may have seemed like the plot of a dystopian movie, or at least a problem to leave for future generation­s. But as disasters become more severe, the cost of rebuilding has skyrockete­d. Extreme weather has caused more than $450 billion damage nationwide since 2005; the number of disasters causing more than $1 billion damage reached 22 last year, a record.

The Government Accountabi­lity Office has warned those costs may be unsustaina­ble. Yet the demand keeps increasing. When the Federal Emergency Management Agency introduced a new program to help cities and states prepare for disasters, the requests far outstrippe­d the amount of money available.

The increasing frequency and severity of hurricanes poses another dilemma: Even if the money could be found for projects to protect places such as Larose, are such efforts a good way to spend public money, especially as the need for climate resilience around the country is growing and coastlines disappear further every year?

“A lot of these places aren’t going to be around that much longer,” said Jesse Keenan, a professor at Tulane University who focuses on how to adapt to climate change. As worsening disasters push more people to leave those towns, he said, the number of people who stand to benefit from storm protection systems declines, making those systems harder to justify.

“It’s going to be hard for a lot of those projects to pencil out,” Keenan said.

Officials in Louisiana, a state still suffering from the repeated drubbings meted out by last year’s record storm season, do not see it that way. They argue that investing now in projects like the one in Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes will save the federal government money in the long term by reducing the cost of cleanup, with fewer disaster relief claims filed by businesses and families and fewer insurance claims under the National Flood Insurance Program.

It is a shift from a reactive stance to a proactive one, said Reggie Dupre, executive di

of the Terrebonne Levee and Conservati­on District. Dupre said the government needed to shift its thinking fast on the Louisiana coast. Hurricane Ida devastated the buildings and infrastruc­ture in his parish, mostly as a result of high winds. But if it had gone a few miles west, he said, the storm surge would have also taken many lives.

“We don’t want to wait,” Dupre said. “We don’t want to have body bags all over the place.”

The project, known as Morganza to the Gulf, is designed, advocates say, to protect 250,000 people against flooding. But unlike the New Orleans system, the Morganza system has yet to get significan­t federal money, despite first being approved by Congress in 1992. Local officials have spent nearly $1 billion building portions of it, in anticipati­on that the federal government eventually will provide its promised $2 billion share of the cost.

Federal roadblocks

The levee system received its first $12.5 million in federal funding this year after years of discussion over how much it would cost vs. how many people it would benefit.

“I don’t really believe that people understand how many people live down there,” said state Rep. Tanner Magee, who represents Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes.

He said people outside the area also do not understand how much of the nation’s oil — almost onefifth — is refined in the state, much of it along the coast.

“It’s a working coast; it’s not like it’s some beach town in Florida,” Magee said.

Those who have been living for years without protection in southern Louisiana have understood for a while that they are on the wrong side of the cost-benefit equation.

“It’s the same scenario year after year after year,” said the Rev. Michael Jiles, a pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Plaquemine­s Parish and a former director of public services for the parish.

The locally funded levees are not enough to protect Jiles’ neighborho­od and the surroundin­g areas, where residents see their homes flood again and again.

It is no mystery to Jiles why his neighborho­od has not received the same protection­s as New Orleans to the north or the neighborin­g parish of St. Bernard, which is protected by a flood wall.

“Population and economic power,” he said, adding that in his part of Plaquemine­s Parish, on the east side of the Mississipp­i River, many residents live below the poverty level.

Rep. Garret Graves, R-LA., said the federal government’s approach to funding protection projects after Katrina was to “really focus on the population centers.” Most of Plaquemine­s lacked the population density to rank high on that scale.

And there was an incentive to protect New Orleans, Graves said. As residents decided whether to rebuild or move, the federal government approved the hurricane protection system as a way to persuade them to stay.

“The White House really felt an obligation to make it clear to people that there wasn’t going to be a Katrina Version 2,” Graves said. He said Ida might push the federal government to fund similar projects outside that system.

The contrast between the two Louisianas — inrector and outside the protection system — is stark. Just after Hurricane Isaac in 2012, Jiles took a break from cleaning out his waterlogge­d house to stand on the levee separating Plaquemine­s, submerged in several feet of floodwater, from neighborin­g St. Bernard Parish, which was dry.

Standing on the levee, Jiles recalled, he could “see both worlds.”

Without adequate protection, the community will not survive, Jiles said. People began leaving the area after Hurricane Katrina, promising to return if the levees were raised. With every storm, more people left.

“Gradually it’s going to be eliminated,” Jiles said.

The same is happening in other coastal parishes, said David Muth, director of gulf restoratio­n at the National Wildlife Federation.

“The numbers speak for themselves: People are voting with their feet about where they want to live,” Muth said. The cycle is self-perpetuati­ng: As more people leave, “it becomes harder and harder to justify massive investment­s in storm risk reduction,” he said.

“We have to be realistic”

The state has acknowledg­ed that not every community can be saved.

In 2016, officials began the process of relocating the residents of Isle de Jean Charles, a village in southern Terrebonne Parish that has lost most of its land to rising seas and erosion. Using a $48 million grant from the Obama administra­tion, the state is building a new site for the village, called The New Isle, some 30 miles to the north.

The project is the first federally funded relocation project in response to climate change and was designed to be a model for other communitie­s to follow. The effort has not always gone smoothly. But the first residents could move in as soon as December, according to Marvin Mcgraw, a spokespers­on for the state.

And two years ago, Louisiana released a sweeping blueprint for its coastal communitie­s, which enviside sioned the government paying some people who live outside federal levees to move farther inland. That strategy also called for new investment­s in cities farther from the coast, to better prepare those cities for an infusion of new residents.

“We have to be realistic about the current and future effects of coastal land loss and plan today to develop Louisiana’s next generation of communitie­s,” Gov. John Bel Edwards said at the time.

Whether the right solution is building more protection or paying for people to move, the communitie­s in coastal Louisiana deserve help, even if that assistance does not meet strict cost-benefit ratios, said Andy Horowitz, a history professor at Tulane who wrote a book about Katrina.

“We might think instead about our values as a country,” Horowitz said. “We can build public works that protect people. We can support them in a humane way to move somewhere safer. Or we can leave them to suffer and die.”

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