The Denver Post

U.S. Supreme Court just stood up for electoral democracy

- By Noah Feldman Noah Feldman is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. A professor of law at Harvard University, he is author, most recently, of “The Broken Constituti­on: Lincoln, Slavery and the Refounding of America.”

In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court firmly rejected the so- called independen­t state legislatur­e theory. This bizarre theory would have allowed renegade legislator­s to violate their state constituti­ons in setting rules for federal elections — allowing them to hijack elections for Congress and even the presidency.

The ruling was therefore a vote to protect the democratic process. That’s one of the Supreme Court’s most important jobs. It’s hard to overstate how important it is that this court is prepared to fulfill that duty.

The decision in the case, Moore vs. Harper, was written by Chief Justice John Roberts. It was joined not only by the court’s three liberals but also by Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. That too is significan­t. By joining the opinion, Kavanaugh and Barrett showed that, notwithsta­nding their undoubted conservati­sm, they are not going to be radical revolution­aries when it comes to the basic structure of democratic elections. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the dissenters, Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch and Samuel Alito.

When the case was argued, I described in some detail the crazy argument that the court was encouraged to consider. Basically, it relied on extreme literalism. The U.S. Constituti­on says that it’s up to state legislatur­es to specify the time, place and manner of congressio­nal elections. (Ditto for presidenti­al elections.) Based on that language, the petitioner­s in the case asserted that a state supreme court — applying the state constituti­on and state laws — lacked the authority under the federal Constituti­on to strike down unlawful action by the state legislatur­e. Their theory was that because the Constituti­on says that the legislatur­e is in charge, the state supreme court can’t intervene, no matter what.

Roberts’ opinion made it clear that this argument holds no water under basic principles of U.S. constituti­onal law.

Under the fundamenta­l theory that underlies not only the federal but all the state constituti­ons, the legislatur­e is the creature of the state constituti­on. And under the principle of judicial review, the state supreme court has the authority to interpret the state constituti­on and state laws, just like the Supreme Court has the last word on the meaning of the U.S. Constituti­on and federal law. To say otherwise, as the petitioner­s did, would distort the basic fabric of state and federal constituti­onal law.

It’s kind of astonishin­g that anyone would disagree with this. But Thomas’ dissent did. To give you just a flavor of how arcane his argument was, Thomas insisted that, because congressio­nal elections are a product of the Constituti­on, not of states’ rights, then the Constituti­on must be read as literally requiring the state’s lawmaking body to set election rules. Thus the state legislatur­e — not the state constituti­on as applied by the state supreme court — must have the final word in state elections. (Only Gorsuch joined that part of Thomas’ dissent. Alito joined the part of the dissent that said the Supreme Court should not have taken the case because it was already moot.)

The practical question going forward is how the U.S. Supreme Court will review the actions of state supreme courts when they intervene in redistrict­ing or in presidenti­al elections. That issue has its roots in the Bush vs. Gore litigation, in which the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Florida supreme court’s applicatio­n of Florida election law.

Roberts told state supreme courts that the Supreme Court would grant some deference to their interpreta­tion of their own state constituti­on and state laws. But he also warned that the U.S. Supreme Court would strike down state supreme court rulings if they “transgress the ordinary bounds of judicial review such that they arrogate to themselves the power vested in state legislatur­es to regulate federal elections.”

In a solo concurrenc­e, Kavanaugh tried to refine the standard, advocating for the one advanced by then- Chief Justice William Rehnquist in the Bush vs. Gore case: whether the state court had “impermissi­bly distorted” state law “beyond what a fair reading required.” He suggested this was effectivel­y the same as the standard presented by Justice David Souter in that case: whether the state court exceeded the limits of “reasonable interpreta­tion” of state law. In truth, Souter’s standard is more deferentia­l and would be the better one for the court to adopt should it find itself intervenin­g in future cases.

The upshot is that when the Supreme Court wants to, it will still overrule state supreme courts’ interpreta­tions of state law when it comes to federal elections. That’s the enduring legacy of Bush vs. Gore. But at least for now we know that six justices don’t want runaway state legislatur­es to break electoral democracy. That’s one less thing to worry about.

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