The Denver Post



1. Which of the following is not considered one of the Nordic countries? a) Latvia b) Sweden c) Iceland

2. The ruling group of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was known by what name? a) politburo b) aristocrac­y c) plebiscite

3. Navigation on France’s longest river is limited by silting and periodic flooding. Name this river. a) Seine b) Loire c) Adour

4. The fertile floodplain of the Chao Phraya River is the chief rice-growing region in what country? a) Thailand b) Myanmar c) China

5. The largest country in central Asia stretches from the Caspian Sea to China. Name this country. a) Uzbekistan b) Turkmenist­an c) Kazakhstan

6. Lederhosen, which are thick leather shorts with suspenders, are part of a costume worn especially in the Bavarian Alps in Austria and which other country? a) Germany b) France c) Switzerlan­d

7. The largest country in the Commonweal­th

of Independen­t States also has the greatest number of different ethnic groups. Name this country. a) Turkmenist­an b) Russia c) Kazakhstan

8. Which mountain range separates Spain from France? a) Pyrenees b) Carpathian­s c) Alps

9. Since the 1970s, most of the immigrants in the United States have come from other countries in the Americas and which other continent? a) Europe b) Asia c) Africa

10. Which climate characteri­zes Great

Britain? a) Mediterran­ean b) Marine west coast c) Humid continenta­l


1. Latvia, 2. politburo, 3. Loire, 4. Thailand, 5. Kazakhstan, 6. Germany, 7. Russia,

8. Pyrenees, 9. Asia, 10. Marine west coast Questions provided by the National Geographic Bee. Visit nationalge­ education/student-experience­s/geobee/ study/quiz

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