The Denver Post

Major nature protection plan stumbles at the final hurdle

- By Raf Casert

BRUSSELS>> A major European Union plan to better protect nature in the 27nation bloc and fight climate change was indefinite­ly postponed Monday, underscori­ng how farmers’ protests sweeping the continent have had a deep influence on politics.

The deadlock on the bill, which could undermine the EU’S global stature on the issue, came less than three months before the European Parliament election in June.

The member states were supposed to give final approval to the biodiversi­ty bill on Monday following months of proceeding­s through the EU’S institutio­nal maze. But what was supposed to be a mere rubber stamp has now turned into its possible perpetual shelving.

“How could we give that up? How could we say, ‘We decided not to restore nature?’ ” a disappoint­ed Irish Environmen­t Minister Eamon Ryan said. “Not deliver on the protection of biodiversi­ty is a shocking statement to the rest of the world,” he added, urging diplomatic pressure so that the bill could belatedly still be approved.

The chances of that happening weren’t looking good.

“It is clear to everyone that there is this huge deadlock. And it is not going to be easy to get out of this considerin­g the upcoming elections,” Dutch Climate Minister Rob Jetten said.

The Nature Restoratio­n plan is a part of the EU’S European Green Deal that seeks to establish the world’s most ambitious climate and biodiversi­ty targets, and make the bloc the global point of reference on all climate issues.

The bill is part of an overall project that aims for Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, demanding short and medium-term changes and sacrifices from all parts of society to reap the benefits in a generation.

“If you want to reach climate neutrality, you also have to look in the broader perspectiv­e of protecting biodiversi­ty, strengthen­ing the nature in Europe,” Jetten said, stressing that such initiative­s were necessary. Ryan agreed.

“It’s all connected,” he said. “You cannot put climate change to one side and forget nature restoratio­n.”

Even if the plan had a rough ride through the EU’S approval process, the watered-down version was supposed to sail through the final vote. Under the complicate­d voting rules, a qualified majority representi­ng 15 of the 27 member states and 65% of the population was needed. It was thought that threshold was safe, until Monday.

“It seems that we don’t have a qualified majority anymore because ... Hungary has changed its vote. We have to understand why they do that,” said Alain Maron, a Belgian regional climate minister who chaired the meeting of the EU environmen­t ministers.

The change of heart follows weeks of relentless protests from farmers across the bloc who have argued that reams of environmen­tal laws governing the way they work are driving them toward bankruptcy at a time when food security and self-sufficienc­y are becoming essential again as Russia’s war on Ukraine rages on.

“It is very important to keep flexibilit­y for member states,” said Aniko Raisz, Hungary’s environmen­tal minister. When asked if her country could change its position again, Raisz said she “can’t promise anything,” while stressing the importance of the agricultur­al sector across Europe.

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