The Evening Leader




Dear Heloise: My kitchen has tiled countertop­s, which I hate, but replacing it won’t be an option until my son graduates from college. I read that you should never use bleach or vinegar on the tile and grout, so how do I clean my tiled kitchen countertop­s? -- Andrea R., Corbin, Kentucky

Andrea, use sudsy ammonia and water. Half a cup of ammonia to one gallon of water should do the trick. Over time, bleach and even vinegar will eat away at the grout. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: My husband went wild over your Cherry Surprise. He absolutely loves maraschino cherries, so your recipe was a huge success with both him and my mother-in-law. I made it again and took it to a church social where we were raising money for a family in need. It sold for $18, and guess who bought it? My husband!

I have misplaced the recipe and would love to make it again. Would you reprint it for all the cherry lovers out there? -- Maggie D., Bayonne, New Jersey

Maggie, just like your husband, my husband loves this dessert as well. Here it is:

Cream together two sticks of butter or margarine and 2 cups of sugar. Beat three eggs and add to the butter and sugar mixture. Mix in 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 teaspoons almond extract and 1 pint of sour cream. Then add 3 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon salt, and mix to blend. Last, stir in 1 cup chopped maraschino cherries and 1 1/2 cups chopped nuts.

Bake in greased and floured tube pan at 325 degrees for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

To make the icing, mix together powdered sugar, cherry juice and a drop of vanilla. Mix well and spread on cooled cake.

If you enjoy easy-to-make recipes that are just a little different from everything else you’ve made before, then you’ll love my pamphlet “Heloise’s Cake Recipes.” Why settle for something you’ve made over and over when you can add something new for everyone’s taste buds?

To get a copy, just go to or send $3 along with a stamped, self-addressed, long envelope to Heloise/Cakes, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. It’s always nice to have new recipes at your fingertips to change dessert from the usual fare to something surprising. -Heloise


Dear Heloise: If there is one dish I love it’s quiche. There are so many ways to change it and still make it tasty and healthy. One of the things I like to do is add finely chopped nuts to the pie crust. Sometimes I’ll add grated cheese to the crust to sort of jazz up the flavor. -Jean-Marie, Auburn, Maine

Jean-Marie, I like to substitute imitation bacon bits for actual bacon. It’s fewer calorie and less fat. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: A word to the wise: Never shop while you are hungry. So many people who go to the grocery store will buy more than they need simply because they are hungry. Before you go shopping for groceries, make sure you eat something so you don’t ruin your budget or waistline. -Ruth G., Tupelo, Mississipp­i

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