The Fayetteville Observer

Murthy alarmed by social media stats

Surgeon general focuses on youth mental health

- Michaela Ramm Des Moines Register USA TODAY NETWORK

DES MOINES, Iowa – Everyone is lonely. And it’s hurting people’s mental health, the U.S. surgeon general says.

Since he was confirmed as the 21st U.S. surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy has made mental health a priority, issuing advisories on topics such as youth mental health crisis and social isolation and loneliness.

Last year, he issued an advisory about social media’s effect on youth well-being, calling for urgent action in the face of declining youth mental health.

Typically, the surgeon general advisories are reserved for the country’s biggest health problems, and in some cases they have created a turning point in the approach to addressing public health concerns. Think about the 1964 report on cigarettes, or the 1989 report on drunken driving.

Mental health was a concern even before the pandemic, when the surgeon general’s office found a 57% increase in suicide rate among young people between 2007 and 2018.

At that time, nearly one in three high school girls had seriously considered taking their own life. In addition, nearly half of high school students were feeling persistent­ly hopeless and sad.

And since COVID-19, that situation has become even more dire.

“My worry is that as a country we will become numb to the statistics, that we will all think this is just the baseline or this is just how the world works these days. There’s nothing normal about any of these statistics, and I wanted our country to know that,” Murthy said.

Murthy visited Des Moines, Iowa, last week as part of his cross-country tour to discuss the prevalence of mental health issues among America’s youths.

The 82-page May 2023 advisory ti

tled “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation” found approximat­ely half of U.S. adults report experienci­ng loneliness, with some of the highest rates among young adults. Murthy said the youth rate of loneliness is double the rate seen among older Americans.

Those grappling with social isolation face an increased risk for anxiety, depression and suicide. In addition, the advisory found it also has consequenc­es for physical health, leading to higher risk for conditions like heart disease or dementia.

“In the same way that we think about smoking or obesity as classic public health issues, my belief is that we should think about loneliness and isolation as public health issues that are just as important,” he said. “We found that the mortality impact associated with social disconnect­ion was on par with smoking daily, and it was greater than the mortality that we saw with obesity.”

Calls to regulate tech companies

As part of his advisories, Murthy has called for greater regulation on technology companies and requiremen­ts for social media platforms to put safeguards in place to protect young users.

That includes safety standards to protect kids’ exposure to harmful content, such as extreme violence or sexual content, and protection against manipulati­ve features that seek to lure users into excessive use of their platforms. Murthy has also called for companies to disclose their data on the health impacts of their platforms.

Murthy said he believes there needs to be a uniform federal standard establishe­d by elected officials across the country, to ensure companies abide by these safety standards across the board.

“I do think if we want the platforms to ultimately be safer for our kids, that this is a place where government needs to step in, because we’ve run the experiment of letting the platforms do it by themselves. That 20-year experiment has failed, and it’s demonstrat­ed to us that it’s come at the cost of the mental health and well-being of our children,” Murthy said.

Murthy acknowledg­ed challenges in moving forward legislatio­n in the current Congress. However, he said he has been optimistic about the growing interest on both sides of the aisle to address this issue and the increasing advocacy from families and health care providers to craft policies around this goal.

“I think those forces did not exist at the same degree three, four or five years ago,” he said. “So I do find that encouragin­g.”

Though legislatio­n is key, Murthy said school officials can help address this issue within their building by introducin­g more digital literacy training that teaches children about the potential harms of social media into their curriculum.

He also said schools should implement phone-free zones and help foster more in-person interactio­ns among peers during the school day.

Parents can also deploy similar strategies by requiring their kids to keep phones and tablets put away during dinnertime or before bed.

“I do think that for parents setting an example for kids is really essential here, because kids really do watch what parents do,” Murthy said. “Interestin­gly, I hear a lot from kids that they’re frustrated that their parents are on their phones all the time, including at the dinner table and elsewhere. So this is a challenge for all of us.”

Mental health risk tied to social media use

According to the surgeon general’s advisory on the tie between social media use and mental health among youths, up to 95% of youths ages 13-17 and nearly 40% of children ages 8-12 report using a social media platform.

Though the advisory notes the full extent of the impact is not yet known, a growing body of evidence shows that social media can “have a profound risk of harm to the mental health and wellbeing of children and adolescent­s.”

The advisory pointed to one study that found a correlatio­n between spending more than three hours a day on social media and an increased risk for “poor mental health outcomes, including symptoms of depression and anxiety” among adolescent­s.

The average time on a social media platform is nearly five hours daily, Murthy said.

“It’s really concerning, given that volume of use,” he said.

 ?? RICARDO B. BRAZZIELL/AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN FILE ?? Dr. Vivek Murthy, the U.S. surgeon general, said the youth rate of loneliness is double the rate seen among older Americans.
RICARDO B. BRAZZIELL/AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN FILE Dr. Vivek Murthy, the U.S. surgeon general, said the youth rate of loneliness is double the rate seen among older Americans.

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