The Fort Morgan Times

We have God’s word


“Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’”

— Luke 16:29

Abraham’s words were first spoken to the rich man who had gone to hell. The rich man had taken no time for the word while he was on ear th. Because of that, He was an unbeliever, and he went to hell. Wow! What a tragedy!

How do I make sure a similar fate doesn’t over take me? The answer is simple: “Keep the book open.” Be into the word of God.

Why so? It’s the word that works faith in a person’s hear t. It’s the word that convinces us that Jesus is our savior from sin. Through the word, God gives us blessing after blessing.

For example, as we listen to Moses teach us about how God created the world, we’re reminded that we have a God who is allpowerfu­l. How important that is for our confidence! As we listen to Moses teach us the 10 Commandmen­ts, we learn that there are actions that will drive us away from our savior and salvation when committed. How important it is that we are curbed from running away from God.

Moses also tells us about a savior that will come to save us from our sins by crushing the devil’s head so that we can be with God forever in heaven. How important it is to know that there is both forgivenes­s and salvation for each of us. All of these promises come from what Moses wrote! God has even more blessings to share with us in the rest of the Bible.

God has all kinds of blessings like that which he wants to give you. Keep the book open!

Thankful for THE Bible, just like you!

Jacob Hanneman is the pastor of Shepherd of the Plains Lutheran Church in For t Morgan. Worship is online at www.shepherdof­theplainsl­utheranchu­

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Jacob Hanneman

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