The Guardian (USA)

Our research funding system is shortchang­ing the humanities

- John Marenbon

The government’s research excellence framework (Ref) is perhaps the ultimate in bureaucrat­ic exercises. It aims every seven years to assess, department by department, every “research active” academic in the UK. The aim is laudable: to ensure that a stream of research funding (known as QR) is distribute­d to universiti­es fairly and transparen­tly. But for the humanities, the Ref does nothing but harm.

Few would quarrel with the principle of a system of assessment for the humanities based on reading and judging work submitted, rather than one using citation indexes and other bibliometr­ic data. But the scale of the task makes meaningful or honest assessment impossible. There are too few assessors to provide competent, specialise­d judgement on the range of work submitted. The workload imposed on them requires superhuman capacities: along with their normal teaching and research, panel members must read the equivalent of a full-length book every day for nine months.

They can hardly be blamed if they skim or sample (“10 minutes for a book, two minutes for an article” is what one source told me). Compare the care taken to judge an article for a journal: two specialist referees must justify their verdict in detail, before editors make further checks. The Ref assessment turns out to be a sham, an exercise in bad faith, giving only the appearance of judging academics’ work fairly, not the reality.

To make matters worse, there is a very crude system of scoring, which in effect considers each output as either good (“world-leading” = 4*), alright (“internatio­nally excellent”=3*) or useless (“recognised internatio­nally”=2*; “recognised nationally” =1* – both of which attract zero funding). Monographs – which still represent much of the best work in most humanities discipline­s, providing new, thorough analyses in depth – can be counted as only two outputs at most, although they might be 20 times the length of an article and require 50 times as much work. As a result, ambitious researcher­s focus on articles, which are often superficia­l, at the expense of monographs of lasting value.

Attempting to measure impact on the world outside the universiti­es is also failing the humanities. In the next Ref, in 2021, impact will count for a quarter of the whole score. The criteria are not designed for humanities subjects, but rather for scientific discoverie­s or technologi­cal advances. They exclude academic books that reach a wide audience of general readers – the real way scholars in history, literature, art and philosophy make an impact. Since the Ref tends to give low ratings to general and popularisi­ng publicatio­ns, the best academics are discourage­d from sharing their knowledge and ideas with the public.

Bad though the Ref is, many would say that it, or something similar, is needed to distribute QR. But that disguises the truth. The fees paid by humanities students more than cover the full costs of their teaching, including their teachers’ sabbatical research leave, and another 100% for overheads. A high-performing humanities department might increase the amount its university receives in QR, or even be rewarded financiall­y by the university for doing so (though probably not) – but if the humanities department­s in the UK are regarded as a whole, no QR money reaches them. They are being obliged to compete in the Ref for money they never receive.

The Ref, then, causes real harm, distorting the working patterns of academics in the humanities, discouragi­ng them from popularisi­ng their ideas, and deceiving them with assessment­s made in such a way that they cannot be reliable. It wastes vast amounts of time and energy that could be spent on teaching and research. Yet there is no realistic way of making this bad system work. Good assessment would cost far more working hours, more assessors, more assessors to check the assessors. Far better to recognise that, since the

humanities do not gain financiall­y from the Ref, and work in them is hindered by it, they should be excluded from the system. Colleagues in other discipline­s would be grateful if such a change led to a lighter system of assessment. In the humanities, most would heave a sigh of relief.

John Marenbon is a senior research fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. His Intangible Assets: Funding Research in the Arts and Humanities is published by Politeia

 ??  ?? ‘The Ref wastes vast amounts of time that could be spent on teaching and research.’ Photograph: Photononst­op/Alamy Stock Photo/Alamy Stock Photo
‘The Ref wastes vast amounts of time that could be spent on teaching and research.’ Photograph: Photononst­op/Alamy Stock Photo/Alamy Stock Photo

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