The Guardian (USA)

Trevor Noah pans 'profession­al tickle monster' Joe Biden's 2020 campaign

- Dream McClinton

Late-night hosts discussed Joe Biden’s presidenti­al campaign and the coup attempt in Venezuela.

Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah focused entirely on “former vice-president and profession­al tickle monster” Joe Biden and his entry into the presidenti­al race, particular­ly his Pittsburgh rally, on The Daily Show.

Flanked by union workers, Biden hoped to “unify” the country. When Biden began discussing unificatio­n, Noah pointed out the oddity it has become. “That’s where America had gotten to. Candidates have to promise that if they get the job, they’ll be the president of the whole country,” Noah said. “Thanks to Trump, that’s not a forgone conclusion any more.”

Mocking Trump with an impersonat­ion of his own, Noah said: “He got into the White House and was like: ‘California, suck a fat dick! New York, same to you! All the people who voted for Hillary, suck my balls! Wisconsin, see you Friday! Florida, every Friday, baby, yeah!’” pairing it with obscene gestures with his hands.

However, Noah observed that Biden had trouble with his speech, often misspeakin­g and jumbling his words. Threading together all of the clips of when this occurred, the host commented: “It’s one thing to mess up in the middle of a sentence. It’s another thing to stumble when you’re trying to rally the tramps – I mean the troops!” He also mentioned that Trump has already attacked on Biden’s age, calling him “Sleepy Joe” in tweets, further emphasizin­g the point that Biden cannot afford to slip up.

Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert spent time ridiculing Joe Biden. Biden seems to be running ahead of all his rivals in most polling, with his second-place competitor, Bernie Sanders, almost 20 points behind. Colbert joked: “Looks like the Democrats aren’t feeling the Bern so much as they are jonesing for Joe. Or vibing the Bide’. Or weeping for the former VP-ing.”

But Biden’s rise does not come without consequenc­e: Trump unleashed a barrage of tweets against him, for which the late-night host again leaned into his Trump impersonat­ion. Colbert said criticizin­g Biden may not be the smartest move, as it puts him and other attacked candidates ahead of the curve or, in the words of one article, “gives

them oxygen”. Colbert continued: “At their ages, both Trump and Biden need all the oxygen they can get.”

Despite Biden’s savvy in the race right now, Colbert expressed surprise at one of his moves: the refusal to seek an endorsemen­t from former president Barack Obama. However, Biden has a newly released ad featuring Obama heavily. “Joe Biden could not get any closer to Barack Obama if he was a pair of dad jeans,” said Colbert.

Running through internatio­nal and more localized news, Seth Meyers’ monologue was filled with snappy one-liners regarding the wide range of featured current events. Beginning with the uprising in Venezuela, Meyers showed a tweet from the current vicepresid­ent, Mike Pence, in support of the uprising.

The host joked that while Pence tweeted this out, Trump most likely had to Google the location of the country. Meyers also poked fun at Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for saying they reached an agreement with Trump over infrastruc­ture. “That’s right, they have an agreement with Trump, just like his contractor­s, the students at Trump University and his first two wives.”

 ??  ?? Trevor Noah: ‘It’s one thing to mess up in the middle of a sentence. It’s another thing to stumble when you’re trying to rally the tramps – I mean the troops.’ Photograph: YouTube
Trevor Noah: ‘It’s one thing to mess up in the middle of a sentence. It’s another thing to stumble when you’re trying to rally the tramps – I mean the troops.’ Photograph: YouTube

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