The Guardian (USA)

Boris Johnson claimed Islam put Muslim world 'centuries behind'

- Frances Perraudin

Boris Johnson has been strongly criticised for arguing Islam has caused the Muslim world to be “literally centuries behind” the west, in an essay unearthed by the Guardian.

Writing about the rise of the religion in an appendix added to a later edition of The Dream of Rome, his 2006 book about the Roman empire, Johnson said there was something about Islam that hindered developmen­t in parts of the globe and, as a result, “Muslim grievance” was a factor in virtually every conflict.

Johnson’s argument was described as disconcert­ing and problemati­c by Tell Mama, which monitors antiMuslim hate and said he had demonstrat­ed a lack of understand­ing of the religion. The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said many people would like to know if the favourite to become the next prime minister still believed “Islam inherently inhibits the path to progress and freedom”.

Last year, Johnson was accused of dog-whistle politics after he used a Telegraph column to liken women wearing the burqa to “letter boxes” and “bank robbers”.

In an essay titled And Then Came the Muslims, added to the 2007 edition of his book, Johnson wrote: “There must be something about Islam that indeed helps to explain why there was no rise of the bourgeoisi­e, no liberal capitalism and therefore no spread of democracy in the Muslim world.

“It is extraordin­ary to think that under the Roman/Byzantine empire, the city of Constantin­ople kept the candle of learning alight for a thousand years, and that under Ottoman rule, the first printing press was not seen in Istanbul until the middle of the nineteenth century. Something caused them to be literally centuries behind.”

The Conservati­ve leadership frontrunne­r wrote that the inhibitor of progress was “a fatal religious conservati­sm” and the further the Muslim world had “fallen behind, the more bitterness and confusion there has been, to the point where virtually every global flashpoint you can think of – from Bosnia to Palestine to Iraq to Kashmir – involves some sense of Muslim grievance”.

The MCB said: “We of course are of the view that Islam has a role to play in progress and prosperity, be that in the Muslim world or here at our home in the west.”

Mohammed Amin, a former chairman of the Conservati­ve Muslim Forum, said Johnson’s analysis risked “actively promoting hatred of Muslims”. Amin was expelled by the forum in June after criticisin­g the party leadership’s response to reports of Islamophob­ia and comparing Johnson’s popularity to that of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.

In the book, published after the airing of a TV series with the same name, Johnson likened the Roman empire to the EU, marvelling at the former’s ability to create unity across continents.

The essay was written as negotiatio­ns for Turkey to join the EU were under way and Johnson argued Ankara should be allowed to become a member, creating “once again a Roman economic community” and “reuniting the two halves of the Roman empire around the shores of the Mediterran­ean”.

He said the country’s “far from perfect” record on human rights was “one of the most important reasons for keeping the Turks on the tram tracks to EU membership, surely, that we thereby help the progressiv­e forces in Turkey and stop the country drifting backwards”.

The MCB said: “Many of us would be interested to find out whether Mr Johnson still believes that Islam inherently inhibits the path to progress and freedom, and whether he still thinks Turkey should be admitted to the European Union, especially after the extraordin­ary and false claims made about Turkish and Muslim immigratio­n during the Brexit campaign.”

During the EU referendum campaign, Johnson argued a leave vote would allow the UK to “end uncontroll­ed immigratio­n”. He was a figurehead for the Vote Leave campaign, which issued a controvers­ial poster claiming Turkey was joining the EU, despite talks to this end having long since stalled.

In the essay, Johnson acknowledg­ed

Christiani­ty had a history of “disgusting cruelty”, writing: “It wasn’t so long ago that we were burning books and heretics ourselves.”

He added: “These Muslims are not some alien species.” Johnson criticised newspaper editors who thought an “Islamo-panicky headline [was] good for sales” and “politician­s hungry for votes” who made the same calculatio­n.

He said his great-grandfathe­r Ali Kemal, a Turkish politician, had been a Muslim, and so he hoped he would not be accused of Islamophob­ia for quoting Winston Churchill’s claim that there was “no stronger retrograde force” in the world than Islam.

“It is time to get deep down and dirty and examine the central charge made by everyone from Winston Churchill to the Pope, namely that the real problem with the Islamic world is Islam,” Johnson wrote. “We must be honest and accept that there is more than a grain of truth in Churchill’s analysis of the economic and social consequenc­es of the religion.”

After describing the beauty of the Sistine Chapel, Johnson wrote: “There is nothing like it in Muslim art of that or any age, not just because it is beyond the technical accomplish­ment of Islamic art, but because it is so theologica­lly offensive to Islam.”

Tell Mama said the essay portrayed Muslims as “a wave or horde … who had little time for the intricacie­s and legacies of civilisati­ons like that of Rome”.

Johnson’s words gave the impression Muslims were somehow “mentally constraine­d by Islam”, they said. “That shows a lack of understand­ing of Islam, and there are many Muslims whom Islam has inspired to produce some of the most beautiful art forms in their love for life and beauty. We hope Johnson works to support all communitie­s in the future, and we are here to assist and support that.”

Johnson’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

 ?? Photograph: Graeme Robertson/The Guardian ?? Boris Johnson speaks at the Conservati­ve party conference in 2007.
Photograph: Graeme Robertson/The Guardian Boris Johnson speaks at the Conservati­ve party conference in 2007.
 ??  ?? Mohammed Amin
Mohammed Amin

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